module Algebra.Field.Properties where

open import Level
open import Function
open import Data.Nat hiding (_+_; _*_; _^_; NonZero; nonZero; _⊔_)
open import Data.Integer hiding (_+_; _*_; _^_; NonZero; nonZero; _⊔_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Vec
open import Algebra
open import Algebra.Field.Base
open import Algebra.Ring.Properties as R
open import Algebra.CommRing.Properties as CR
open import Relation.Binary as RB hiding (Decidable)
open import Relation.Unary as RU hiding (Decidable)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core

module FieldUnits { ℓ'} (field' : Field  ℓ') where

  open Field field' renaming (Carrier to A)

  semiRing : RawSemiring _ _
  semiRing = record { Carrier = A ; _≈_ = _≈_ ; _+_ = _+_ ; _*_ = _*_ ; 0# = 0# ; 1# = 1# }

  open import Algebra.Definitions.RawSemiring semiRing
  open import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid setoid
  open CR.Units commutativeRing

    A≢0 = Σ[ a  A ] (a  0#)

      n : 

  _[_]^_ : (a : A)  (a≉0 : a  0#)    A
  a [ a≉0 ]^ (+ n) = a ^ n
  a [ a≉0 ]^ -[1+ n ] = inv a a≉0 ^ ℕ.suc n

  _^n_ : A≢0    A≢0
  (a , a≉0) ^n n = (a ^ n) , a^n≉0 where
    a^n·a^-n≡1' = ^-presUnit a n (_ , hasInverse a a≉0)

    a^n = a ^ n
    a^-n = a^n·a^-n≡1' .proj₁

    a^n·a^-n≡1 : (a^n * a^-n)  1#
    a^n·a^-n≡1 = a^n·a^-n≡1' .proj₂

    a^n≉0 : a^n  0#
    a^n≉0 a^n≡0 = 0≢1 (trans (sym (trans (*-congʳ a^n≡0) (0LeftAnnihilates _))) a^n·a^-n≡1)

  _^z_ : A≢0    A≢0
  a ^z (+ n) = a ^n n
  a@(a' , a≉0) ^z -[1+ n ] = (a⁻¹ , a⁻¹≉0) ^n (ℕ.suc n)  where
    a⁻¹ = inv a' a≉0

    a⁻¹≉0 : a⁻¹  0#
    a⁻¹≉0 a⁻¹≡0 = 0≢1 (trans (sym (trans (*-congˡ a⁻¹≡0) (0RightAnnihilates _))) (hasInverse a' a≉0))

  _*n_ : A≢0  A≢0  A≢0
  p@(a , a≉0) *n q@(b , b≉0) = (a * b) , a*b≉0 where
    b⁻¹ = inv b b≉0

    b*b⁻¹≡1 = hasInverse b b≉0

    a*b≉0 : (a * b)  0#
    a*b≉0 a*b≈0 = a≉0 (begin
      a             ≈˘⟨ *-identityʳ _ 
      a * 1#        ≈˘⟨ *-congˡ b*b⁻¹≡1 
      a * (b * b⁻¹) ≈˘⟨ *-assoc _ _ _ 
      a * b * b⁻¹   ≈⟨ *-congʳ a*b≈0 
      0# * b⁻¹      ≈⟨ 0LeftAnnihilates _ 
      0# )

  foldr≉0 : (a : A≢0) (xs : Vec A≢0 n)  foldr _  x y  x .proj₁ * y) (a .proj₁) xs  0#
  foldr≉0 (_ , a≉0) [] = a≉0
  foldr≉0 a (b  xs) = (b *n (_ , foldr≉0 a xs)) .proj₂

  record NonZero (a : A) : Set ℓ' where
    constructor nonZeroC
      nonZero : a  0#

  mulVec : Vec A≢0 n  A≢0
  mulVec xs = _ , (foldr≉0 (1# , (0≢1  sym)) xs)

  module DiscA (disc : RB.Decidable _≈_) where

    decP≉0 : (p : A)  Dec (NonZero p)
    decP≉0 p with disc p 0#
    ... | yes p≈0 = no λ where (nonZeroC p≉0)  p≉0 p≈0
    ... | no  p≉0 = yes (nonZeroC p≉0)

      data Decidable {} {ℓ'} {A : Set } (P : A  Set ℓ') : Set (  ℓ') where
        isDec : (∀ a  Dec (P a))  Decidable P

      data AllVec {} {ℓ'} {A : Set } (P : A  Set ℓ') : Vec A n  Set (  ℓ') where
        emp  : AllVec P []
        consVec : {x : A} (p : P x) {xs : Vec A n} (allXS : AllVec P xs)  AllVec P (x  xs)

        ℓ'' : Level
        A' B C D : Set ℓ''
        B' B'' : (a : A)  Set ℓ''

      DecAll : Decidable B'  (xs : Vec A n)  Dec (AllVec B' xs)
      DecAll P [] = yes emp
      DecAll P'@(isDec P) (x  xs) with P x | DecAll P' xs
      ... | no ¬p | _ = no  where (consVec p allXs)  ¬p p)
      ... | yes p | no ¬q = no  where (consVec p allXs)  ¬q allXs)
      ... | yes p | yes q = yes (consVec p q)

      toDecAll :  decB : Decidable B'  {xs : Vec A n} {decVec : True (DecAll decB xs)}  AllVec B' xs
      toDecAll  decB = decB  {[]} {decVec} = emp
      toDecAll  decB = P'@(isDec P)  {x  xs} {decVec} with P x | DecAll P' xs
      ... | yes x | yes xs = consVec x xs

      DecNonZero : Decidable NonZero
      DecNonZero = isDec decP≉0

    vec→vec≉0 : (xs : Vec A n)  xs≉0 : AllVec NonZero xs   Vec A≢0 n
    vec→vec≉0 [] = []
    vec→vec≉0 (x  xs)  consVec (nonZeroC nonZero) xs≉0  = (x , nonZero)  vec→vec≉0 xs  xs≉0