open import Algebra.Apartness
open import Relation.Binary
open import Algebra.DecidableField
module MatrixFuncNormalization.NormAfter.PropsFlip {c ℓ₁ ℓ₂} (dField : DecidableField c ℓ₁ ℓ₂) where
open import Level using (Level; Lift; lift; lower; _⊔_)
open import Function hiding (flip)
open import Data.Product hiding (swap)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Maybe.Relation.Unary.All
open import Data.Nat as ℕ using (ℕ; _∸_; s<s; ≢-nonZero)
open import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕ
using (≰⇒>; m>n⇒m∸n≢0; pred[m∸n]≡m∸[1+n]; m∸[m∸n]≡n; ∸-monoʳ-<; module ≤-Reasoning)
open import Data.Fin.Base as F hiding (_+_; lift)
open import Data.Fin.Properties as F hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Sum hiding (swap)
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec)
open import Data.Vec.Functional as V
open import Algebra
import Algebra.Properties.Ring as RingProps
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as ≡ using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; cong; subst; module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Supremum.Strict
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Infimum.NonStrict
open import Relation.Nullary.Construct.Add.Infimum as ₋
open import Relation.Nullary.Construct.Add.Supremum
import Algebra.Apartness.Properties.HeytingCommutativeRing as HCRProps
open import Relation.Nullary
import Algebra.Apartness.Properties.HeytingCommutativeRing as HCR
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Point.Equality
open import Algebra.Matrix
open import Vector.Base using (swapV)
open import Vec.Updates
open import Vec.Relation.FirstOrNot
import Algebra.HeytingField.Properties as HFProps
import MatrixFuncNormalization.normBef as NormBef
import MatrixFuncNormalization.NormAfter.Base as NormAfterBase
import MatrixFuncNormalization.NormAfter.Properties as NormAfterProperties
import MatrixFuncNormalization.MatrixProps as MatrixPropsBefore
open import MatrixFuncNormalization.FinInduction
open import lbry
open import SystemEquations.Definitions dField
open DecidableField dField renaming (Carrier to F; heytingField to hField)
open hFieldProps hField
open HCR heytingCommutativeRing
open NormBef dField using (normalizeMatrix; AllZeros; _-v_; matrix→matPivs; MatrixWithPivots; matrixPivs)
renaming ( VecPivotPos to VecPivotPosLeft
; Lookup≢0 to Lookup≢0Left
; normTwoRows to normTwoRowsLeft
; MatrixPivots to MatrixPivotsLeft
; VecPivotsΣ to VecPivotsLeftΣ
open NormAfterBase dField
open NormAfterProperties dField renaming (MatrixWithPivots to MatrixWithPivotsRight)
open PVec
open module PNorm {n} = MatrixPropsBefore (<-strictTotalOrder n)
renaming (_<′_ to _<ᴮ_)
open PNormAfter
open MRingProps ring
open import Algebra.Module.Base ring
private variable
ℓ : Level
A : Set ℓ
m n n′ : ℕ
opposite-injective : ∀ {n} {i j : Fin n} → opposite i ≡ opposite j → i ≡ j
opposite-injective {i = zero} {zero} p = ≡.refl
opposite-injective {i = zero} {suc j} p = contradiction p fromℕ≢inject₁
opposite-injective {i = suc i} {zero} p = contradiction (≡.sym p) fromℕ≢inject₁
opposite-injective {i = suc i} {suc j} p = cong suc (opposite-injective (inject₁-injective p))
<-opposite : ∀ {n} {i j : Fin n} → i < j → opposite j < opposite i
<-opposite {i = i} {j} i<j = helper
helper : toℕ (opposite j) ℕ.< toℕ (opposite i)
helper rewrite opposite-prop i | opposite-prop j = ∸-monoʳ-< (s<s i<j) (toℕ<n j)
module FlipProps (xsWithPivs@(xs , pXs , proofPXs) : MatrixWithPivots n m) where
ys : Matrix F n m
ys = flip xs
pYs′ : Vector (VecPivotPosΣ m) n
proj₁ (pYs′ i) = ys i
proj₁ (proj₂ (pYs′ i)) with pXs (opposite i)
... | ⊥₋ = ⊥₋
... | just p = just (opposite p)
proj₂ (proj₂ (pYs′ i)) with pXs (opposite i) in pXsIEq
... | ⊥₋ = _ , help (proofPXs _)
help : VecPivotPosLeft (xs $ opposite i) (pXs $ opposite i) → AllZeros (ys i)
help rewrite pXsIEq = λ f → lower f ∘ opposite
... | just p = (ys i (opposite p) , help (proofPXs _)) , HF.refl , help2 (proofPXs _)
help : VecPivotPosLeft (xs $ opposite i) (pXs $ opposite i) → ys i (opposite p) # 0#
help rewrite pXsIEq | opposite-involutive p = proj₁
help2 : VecPivotPosLeft (xs $ opposite i) (pXs $ opposite i) → ∀ j → j F.> opposite p → ys i j ≈ 0#
help2 rewrite pXsIEq = help3
open ≤-Reasoning
sm-sp≡m-p : ℕ.suc (m ∸ ℕ.suc (toℕ p)) ≡ m ∸ toℕ p
sm-sp≡m-p = begin-equality
ℕ.suc (m ∸ ℕ.suc (toℕ p)) ≡˘⟨ cong ℕ.suc (pred[m∸n]≡m∸[1+n] m (toℕ p)) ⟩
ℕ.suc (ℕ.pred (m ∸ toℕ p)) ≡⟨ ℕ.suc-pred (m ∸ toℕ p) ⦃ ≢-nonZero (m>n⇒m∸n≢0 (toℕ<n p)) ⦄ ⟩
m ∸ toℕ p ∎
help3 : _
help3 (_ , p≈0) j opP<j = p≈0 _ opJ<p
opJ<p : opposite j < p
opJ<p = begin-strict
toℕ (opposite j) ≡⟨ opposite-prop j ⟩
m ∸ ℕ.suc (toℕ j) <⟨ ∸-monoʳ-< (s<s opP<j) (toℕ<n j) ⟩
m ∸ ℕ.suc (toℕ $ opposite p) ≡⟨ cong (λ x → m ∸ ℕ.suc x) (opposite-prop p) ⟩
m ∸ ℕ.suc (m ∸ ℕ.suc (toℕ p)) ≡⟨ cong (m ∸_) sm-sp≡m-p ⟩
m ∸ (m ∸ toℕ p) ≡⟨ m∸[m∸n]≡n (toℕ≤n p) ⟩
toℕ p ∎
pYs : Vector (PivWithValue m) n
pYs i = let _ , piv , pivValue , _ = pYs′ i in piv , pivValue
pivsYs : Vector (Fin m ₋) n
pivsYs = pivsWV→pivs pYs
proofYsPYs : MatrixPivots ys pYs
proofYsPYs i = let _ , _ , _ , vecPivPos = pYs′ i in vecPivPos
module NormedRows (allRowsNormed : AllRowsNormalized pXs) where
rowsNormedOpposite : (i j : Fin n) (i<j : i < j) → pXs (opposite j) <ᴮ pXs (opposite i)
rowsNormedOpposite i j i<j = allRowsNormed (opposite j) (opposite i) (<-opposite i<j)
allRowsNormedAfter : AllRowsNormalizedRight pivsYs
allRowsNormedAfter {i} {j} i<j = helper (rowsNormedOpposite i j i<j)
helper : pXs (opposite j) <ᴮ pXs (opposite i) → pivsYs i <′ pivsYs j
helper with pXs (opposite i) | pXs (opposite j)
... | ⊥₋ | ⊥₋ = const $ (⊥₋≤ _)
... | ⊥₋ | just _ = const $ (⊥₋≤ _)
... | just pi | ⊥₋ = helper2
helper2 : ⊤⁺ <ᴮ just pi → _
helper2 (inj₁ ())
helper2 (inj₂ ())
... | just pi | just pj = helper2
helper2 : just pj <ᴮ just pi → just (opposite pi) <′ just (opposite pj)
helper2 (inj₁ [ pj<pi ]) = [ <-opposite pj<pi ]
module FlipPropsRight (let n = ℕ.suc n′) (xsWithPivs@(xs , pXs , proofPXs) : MatrixWithPivotsRight n m) where
ys : Matrix F n m
ys = flip xs
pYs′ : Vector (VecPivotsLeftΣ m) n
proj₁ (pYs′ i) = ys i
proj₁ (proj₂ (pYs′ i)) with pXs (opposite i)
... | ⊥₋ , _ = ⊥₋
... | just p , p#0 = just (opposite p)
proj₂ (proj₂ (pYs′ i)) with pXs (opposite i) in PXsIEq
... | ⊥₋ , _ = nothing , (lift $ help $ proofPXs _)
help : VecPivotPos (xs $ opposite i) (pXs (opposite i) .proj₁) (pXs (opposite i) .proj₂) → AllZeros (ys i)
help rewrite PXsIEq = _∘ opposite
... | just j , c , c#0 = just (help3 (proofPXs _)) , help (proofPXs _) , help2 (proofPXs _)
help : VecPivotPos (xs $ opposite i) (pXs (opposite i) .proj₁) (pXs (opposite i) .proj₂)
→ xs (opposite i) (opposite (opposite j)) # 0#
help rewrite PXsIEq | opposite-involutive j = λ (c≈res , _) → #-congʳ c≈res c#0
help2 : VecPivotPos (xs $ opposite i) (pXs (opposite i) .proj₁) (pXs (opposite i) .proj₂)
→ ∀ k → k < opposite j → xs (opposite i) (opposite k) ≈ 0#
help2 rewrite PXsIEq = help3
open ≤-Reasoning
help3 : Lookup≢0 (xs (opposite i)) j c c#0 → ∀ k → k < opposite j → xs (opposite i) (opposite k) ≈ 0#
help3 (_ , xsI≈0) k k<oj = xsI≈0 _ (begin-strict
toℕ j ≡˘⟨ cong toℕ (opposite-involutive j) ⟩
toℕ (opposite (opposite j)) <⟨ <-opposite k<oj ⟩
toℕ (opposite k) ∎)
help3 : VecPivotPos (xs $ opposite i) (pXs (opposite i) .proj₁) (pXs (opposite i) .proj₂)
→ proj₁ xsWithPivs (opposite i) (opposite (opposite j)) # 0#
help3 rewrite PXsIEq | opposite-involutive j = λ (c≈res , _) → #-congʳ c≈res c#0
pYs : Vector (Maybe $ Fin m) n
pYs i = let _ , piv , _ , _ = pYs′ i in piv
mYs : MatrixPivotsLeft ys pYs
mYs i = let _ , _ , _ , d = pYs′ i in d
module NormedRowsLeft (allRowsNormed : AllRowsNormalizedLeft xs pXs) where
oppositeRowsNormed : (i j : Fin n) (i≢j : i ≢ j) → Maybe≈0 (xs (opposite j)) (pXs (opposite i) .proj₁)
oppositeRowsNormed i j i≢j = allRowsNormed (opposite i) (opposite j) (i≢j ∘ opposite-injective)
columsAreZeroInPivots : AllRowsNormalizedLeft′ ys pYs
columsAreZeroInPivots i j i≢j = helper (oppositeRowsNormed i j i≢j)
helper : Maybe≈0 (xs (opposite j)) (pXs (opposite i) .proj₁) → Maybe≈0 (ys j) (pYs i)
helper with pXs (opposite j) | pXs (opposite i)
... | ⊥₋ , _ | ⊥₋ , _ = _
... | ⊥₋ , _ | just x , _ rewrite opposite-involutive x = id
... | just _ , _ | just x , _ rewrite opposite-involutive x = id
... | just _ , _ | ⊥₋ , _ = _
pXsV = pivsWV→pivs pXs
module NormedAfter (allRowsNormed : AllRowsNormalizedRight pXsV) where
allRowsNormedAfter : AllRowsNormalized pYs
allRowsNormedAfter i j i<j with pXs (opposite j) in eq1 | pXs (opposite i) in eq2 | allRowsNormed (<-opposite i<j)
... | just a , _ | just b , _ | [ c ] = inj₁ [ <-opposite c ]
... | just a , _ | ⊥₋ , _ | ()
... | ⊥₋ , _ | just b , _ | ⊥₋≤ _ = inj₁ [ _ ]<⊤⁺
... | ⊥₋ , _ | ⊥₋ , _ | c = inj₂ (∙≈∙ , ∙≈∙)
module PropsMatrix (let n = ℕ.suc n′) (xs : Matrix F n m) where
normedWithProps = normalizeMatrix xs
ysWithPivots : MatrixWithPivots n m
ysWithPivots = normedWithProps .proj₁
ys : Matrix F n m
ys = ysWithPivots .proj₁
pYs : Vector (Fin m ⁺) n
pYs = ysWithPivots .proj₂ .proj₁
ysPivsProof : MatrixPivotsLeft ys pYs
ysPivsProof = ysWithPivots .proj₂ .proj₂
allRowsNormedYsPivs : AllRowsNormalized pYs
allRowsNormedYsPivs = normedWithProps .proj₂ .proj₁
xs≈ⱽys : xs ≈ⱽ ys
xs≈ⱽys = normedWithProps .proj₂ .proj₂
open FlipProps ysWithPivots using (module NormedRows; proofYsPYs) renaming (ys to zs; pYs to pvZs; pivsYs to pivsZs)
open NormedRows allRowsNormedYsPivs
mOpsInv≡ : ∀ mOps (zs : Matrix F n m) i j → matOps→func (opVecOps {n} mOps) (flip zs) i j ≡
matOps→func mOps zs (opposite i) (opposite j)
mOpsInv≡ (swapOp p q p≢q) zs i j = begin
swapV fzs (opposite p) (opposite q) i j ≡⟨ cong (λ xs → xs j)
(vecUpdates≡reflectBool-theo2 fzs indices values i) ⟩
evalFromPosition values (fzs i) evaluated j
≡⟨ helper _ _ (vBoolFromIndices indices i .proj₂) (vBoolFromIndices indices₂ (opposite i) .proj₂) ⟩
evalFromPosition values₂ (zs (opposite i)) evaluated₂ (opposite j) ≡˘⟨ cong (λ xs → xs (opposite j))
(vecUpdates≡reflectBool-theo2 zs indices₂ values₂ (opposite i)) ⟩
swapV zs p q (opposite i) (opposite j) ∎
open ≡-Reasoning
fzs = flip zs
indices = opposite q Vec.∷ opposite p Vec.∷ Vec.[]
values = fzs (opposite p) Vec.∷ fzs (opposite q) Vec.∷ Vec.[]
evaluated = firstTrue $ proj₁ $ vBoolFromIndices indices i
indices₂ = q Vec.∷ p Vec.∷ Vec.[]
values₂ = zs p Vec.∷ zs q Vec.∷ Vec.[]
evaluated₂ = firstTrue $ proj₁ $ vBoolFromIndices indices₂ (opposite i)
helper : ∀ vBool₁ vBool₂
→ VecWithType (λ (ind , b) → Reflects (i ≡ ind) b) $ indices vBool₁
→ VecWithType (λ (ind , b) → Reflects (opposite i ≡ ind) b) $ indices₂ vBool₂
→ evalFromPosition values (fzs i) (firstTrue vBool₁) j ≡
evalFromPosition values₂ (zs (opposite i)) (firstTrue vBool₂) (opposite j)
helper (true Vec.∷ vBool₁) (true Vec.∷ vBool₂) (ofʸ ≡.refl ∷ p) (ofʸ _ ∷ q) =
cong (λ i → zs i (opposite j)) (opposite-involutive _)
helper (true Vec.∷ vBool₁) (false Vec.∷ vBool₂) (ofʸ ≡.refl ∷ p) (ofⁿ ¬a ∷ q) =
contradiction (opposite-involutive _) ¬a
helper (false Vec.∷ vBool₁) (true Vec.∷ vBool₂) (ofⁿ ¬a ∷ p) (ofʸ ≡.refl ∷ q) =
contradiction (≡.sym (opposite-involutive _)) ¬a
helper (false Vec.∷ false Vec.∷ Vec.[]) (false Vec.∷ true Vec.∷ Vec.[])
(ofⁿ ¬a ∷ ofⁿ ¬c ∷ []) (ofⁿ ¬b ∷ ofʸ ≡.refl ∷ []) =
contradiction (≡.sym (opposite-involutive _)) ¬c
helper (false Vec.∷ true Vec.∷ Vec.[]) (false Vec.∷ false Vec.∷ Vec.[]) (ofⁿ ¬a ∷ ofʸ ≡.refl ∷ []) (ofⁿ ¬b ∷ ofⁿ ¬c ∷ []) =
contradiction (opposite-involutive _) ¬c
helper (false Vec.∷ true Vec.∷ Vec.[]) (false Vec.∷ true Vec.∷ Vec.[]) (ofⁿ ¬a ∷ ofʸ ≡.refl ∷ []) (ofⁿ ¬b ∷ ofʸ _ ∷ [])
= cong (λ x → zs x (opposite j)) (opposite-involutive _)
helper (false Vec.∷ false Vec.∷ Vec.[]) (false Vec.∷ false Vec.∷ Vec.[]) (ofⁿ ¬a ∷ ofⁿ ¬c ∷ []) (ofⁿ ¬b ∷ ofⁿ ¬a₁ ∷ []) = ≡.refl
mOpsInv≡ (addCons p q p≢q r) zs i j with opposite q F.≟ i | q F.≟ opposite i
... | yes ≡.refl | yes _ = cong (λ x → _ + _ * zs x _) (opposite-involutive _)
... | yes ≡.refl | no ¬p = contradiction (≡.sym (opposite-involutive _)) ¬p
... | no ¬p | yes ≡.refl = contradiction (opposite-involutive _) ¬p
... | no _ | no _ = ≡.refl
open ≈-Reasoning
zs≈ⱽws⇒ys≈ⱽws : ∀ {ws} → zs ≈ⱽ ws → ys ≈ⱽ flip ws
zs≈ⱽws⇒ys≈ⱽws {ws} (idR zs≈ws) = idR $ λ i j → begin
ys i j ≈˘⟨ flip-flip ys _ _ ⟩
flip (flip ys) i j ≈⟨ zs≈ws _ _ ⟩
flip ws i j ∎
zs≈ⱽws⇒ys≈ⱽws {ws} (rec {ys = zs} mOps zs≈ⱽws mOps≈) = rec (opVecOps mOps) (zs≈ⱽws⇒ys≈ⱽws zs≈ⱽws)
λ i j → begin
matOps→func (opVecOps mOps) (flip zs) i j ≡⟨ mOpsInv≡ mOps zs i j ⟩
matOps→func mOps zs (opposite i) (opposite j) ≈⟨ mOps≈ (opposite i) (opposite j) ⟩
flip ws i j ∎
zs≈ⱽws⇒xs≈ⱽws : ∀ {ws} → zs ≈ⱽ ws → xs ≈ⱽ flip ws
zs≈ⱽws⇒xs≈ⱽws = ≈ⱽ-trans xs≈ⱽys ∘ zs≈ⱽws⇒ys≈ⱽws
wsWithProps : Σ[ (ws , xs≈ⱽws , _) ∈ _ ] _
wsWithProps = normMatrix _ _ proofYsPYs allRowsNormedAfter (zs , ≈ⱽ-refl , proofYsPYs)
ws = wsWithProps .proj₁ .proj₁
wsPivs = wsWithProps .proj₁ .proj₂ .proj₁
wsProp = wsWithProps .proj₂
wsPivots : MatrixPivots ws pvZs
wsPivots = wsWithProps .proj₁ .proj₂ .proj₂
wsNormedLeft : AllRowsNormalizedLeft ws pvZs
wsNormedLeft = allNormedLeft _ _ (wsWithProps .proj₁ .proj₂ .proj₂) allRowsNormedAfter wsProp
open FlipPropsRight (ws , pvZs , wsPivots) renaming (ys to nxs; pYs to pZs)
using (module NormedRowsLeft; module NormedAfter; mYs) public
open NormedRowsLeft wsNormedLeft public
open NormedAfter allRowsNormedAfter public
xs≈ⱽnxs : xs ≈ⱽ nxs
xs≈ⱽnxs = zs≈ⱽws⇒xs≈ⱽws $ wsWithProps .proj₁ .proj₂ .proj₁
allTheoremsTogether : (xs : Matrix F n m) →
Σ[ ys ∈ Matrix F n m ]
Σ[ pivs ∈ Vector (Fin m ⁺) n ]
MatrixPivotsLeft ys pivs
× xs ≈ⱽ ys
× ColumnsZero ys pivs
× AllRowsNormalized pivs
allTheoremsTogether {ℕ.zero} xs = (λ ()) , (λ ()) , (λ ()) , idR (λ ()) , (λ ()) , λ ()
allTheoremsTogether {ℕ.suc n} xs = _ , _ , mYs , xs≈ⱽnxs , columsAreZeroInPivots , allRowsNormedAfter
where open PropsMatrix xs