-- The Agda standard library
-- Pointwise products of binary relations

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Data.Product.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.NonDependent where

open import Data.Product as Prod
open import Data.Product.Properties using (≡-dec)
open import Data.Sum.Base
open import Data.Unit.Base using ()
open import Function.Base
open import Function.Equality as F using (_⟶_; _⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Equivalence as Eq
  using (Equivalence; _⇔_; module Equivalence)
open import Function.Injection as Inj
  using (Injection; _↣_; module Injection)
open import Function.Inverse as Inv
  using (Inverse; _↔_; module Inverse)
open import Function.LeftInverse as LeftInv
  using (LeftInverse; _↞_; _LeftInverseOf_; module LeftInverse)
open import Function.Related
open import Function.Surjection as Surj
  using (Surjection; _↠_; module Surjection)
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
open import Relation.Nullary.Product
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)

module _ {a₁ a₂ ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {A₁ : Set a₁} {A₂ : Set a₂} where

-- Pointwise lifting

  Pointwise : Rel A₁ ℓ₁  Rel A₂ ℓ₂  Rel (A₁ × A₂) _
  Pointwise _∼₁_ _∼₂_ = (_∼₁_ on proj₁) -×- (_∼₂_ on proj₂)

-- Pointwise preserves many relational properties

  ×-reflexive :  {_≈₁_ _∼₁_ _≈₂_ _∼₂_} 
    _≈₁_  _∼₁_  _≈₂_  _∼₂_ 
    (Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_)  (Pointwise _∼₁_ _∼₂_)
  ×-reflexive refl₁ refl₂ (x∼y₁ , x∼y₂) = refl₁ x∼y₁ , refl₂ x∼y₂

  ×-refl :  {_∼₁_ _∼₂_} 
    Reflexive _∼₁_  Reflexive _∼₂_ 
    Reflexive (Pointwise _∼₁_ _∼₂_)
  ×-refl refl₁ refl₂ = refl₁ , refl₂

  ×-irreflexive₁ :  {_≈₁_ _<₁_ _≈₂_ _<₂_} 
    Irreflexive _≈₁_ _<₁_ 
    Irreflexive (Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_) (Pointwise _<₁_ _<₂_)
  ×-irreflexive₁ ir x≈y x<y = ir (proj₁ x≈y) (proj₁ x<y)

  ×-irreflexive₂ :  {_≈₁_ _<₁_ _≈₂_ _<₂_} 
    Irreflexive _≈₂_ _<₂_ 
    Irreflexive (Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_) (Pointwise _<₁_ _<₂_)
  ×-irreflexive₂ ir x≈y x<y = ir (proj₂ x≈y) (proj₂ x<y)

  ×-symmetric :  {_∼₁_ _∼₂_}  Symmetric _∼₁_  Symmetric _∼₂_ 
    Symmetric (Pointwise _∼₁_ _∼₂_)
  ×-symmetric sym₁ sym₂ (x∼y₁ , x∼y₂) = sym₁ x∼y₁ , sym₂ x∼y₂

  ×-transitive :  {_∼₁_ _∼₂_}  Transitive _∼₁_  Transitive _∼₂_ 
    Transitive (Pointwise _∼₁_ _∼₂_)
  ×-transitive trans₁ trans₂ x∼y y∼z =
    trans₁ (proj₁ x∼y) (proj₁ y∼z) ,
    trans₂ (proj₂ x∼y) (proj₂ y∼z)

  ×-antisymmetric :  {_≈₁_ _≤₁_ _≈₂_ _≤₂_} 
    Antisymmetric _≈₁_ _≤₁_  Antisymmetric _≈₂_ _≤₂_ 
    Antisymmetric (Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_) (Pointwise _≤₁_ _≤₂_)
  ×-antisymmetric antisym₁ antisym₂ (x≤y₁ , x≤y₂) (y≤x₁ , y≤x₂) =
    (antisym₁ x≤y₁ y≤x₁ , antisym₂ x≤y₂ y≤x₂)

  ×-asymmetric₁ :  {_<₁_ _∼₂_}  Asymmetric _<₁_ 
    Asymmetric (Pointwise _<₁_ _∼₂_)
  ×-asymmetric₁ asym₁ x<y y<x = asym₁ (proj₁ x<y) (proj₁ y<x)

  ×-asymmetric₂ :  {_∼₁_ _<₂_}  Asymmetric _<₂_ 
    Asymmetric (Pointwise _∼₁_ _<₂_)
  ×-asymmetric₂ asym₂ x<y y<x = asym₂ (proj₂ x<y) (proj₂ y<x)

  ×-respects₂ :  {_≈₁_ _∼₁_ _≈₂_ _∼₂_} 
    _∼₁_ Respects₂ _≈₁_  _∼₂_ Respects₂ _≈₂_ 
    (Pointwise _∼₁_ _∼₂_) Respects₂ (Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_)
  ×-respects₂ {_≈₁_} {_∼₁_} {_≈₂_} {_∼₂_} resp₁ resp₂ = resp¹ , resp²
    _∼_ = Pointwise _∼₁_ _∼₂_
    _≈_ = Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_

    resp¹ :  {x}  (x ∼_) Respects _≈_
    resp¹ y≈y′ x∼y = proj₁ resp₁ (proj₁ y≈y′) (proj₁ x∼y) ,
                     proj₁ resp₂ (proj₂ y≈y′) (proj₂ x∼y)

    resp² :  {y}  (_∼ y) Respects _≈_
    resp² x≈x′ x∼y = proj₂ resp₁ (proj₁ x≈x′) (proj₁ x∼y) ,
                     proj₂ resp₂ (proj₂ x≈x′) (proj₂ x∼y)

  ×-total :  {_∼₁_ _∼₂_}  Symmetric _∼₁_ 
    Total _∼₁_  Total _∼₂_ 
    Total (Pointwise _∼₁_ _∼₂_)
  ×-total sym₁ total₁ total₂ (x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂)
    with total₁ x₁ y₁ | total₂ x₂ y₂
  ... | inj₁ x₁∼y₁ | inj₁ x₂∼y₂ = inj₁ (     x₁∼y₁ , x₂∼y₂)
  ... | inj₁ x₁∼y₁ | inj₂ y₂∼x₂ = inj₂ (sym₁ x₁∼y₁ , y₂∼x₂)
  ... | inj₂ y₁∼x₁ | inj₂ y₂∼x₂ = inj₂ (     y₁∼x₁ , y₂∼x₂)
  ... | inj₂ y₁∼x₁ | inj₁ x₂∼y₂ = inj₁ (sym₁ y₁∼x₁ , x₂∼y₂)

  ×-decidable :  {_∼₁_ _∼₂_} 
    Decidable _∼₁_  Decidable _∼₂_ 
    Decidable (Pointwise _∼₁_ _∼₂_)
  ×-decidable _≟₁_ _≟₂_ (x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂) =
    (x₁ ≟₁ y₁) ×-dec (x₂ ≟₂ y₂)

  -- Some collections of properties which are preserved by ×-Rel.

  ×-isEquivalence :  {_≈₁_ _≈₂_} 
    IsEquivalence _≈₁_  IsEquivalence _≈₂_ 
    IsEquivalence (Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_)
  ×-isEquivalence {_≈₁_ = _≈₁_} {_≈₂_ = _≈₂_} eq₁ eq₂ = record
    { refl  = ×-refl        {_∼₁_ = _≈₁_} {_∼₂_ = _≈₂_}
                            (refl  eq₁) (refl  eq₂)
    ; sym   = ×-symmetric   {_∼₁_ = _≈₁_} {_∼₂_ = _≈₂_}
                            (sym   eq₁) (sym   eq₂)
    ; trans = ×-transitive  {_∼₁_ = _≈₁_} {_∼₂_ = _≈₂_}
                            (trans eq₁) (trans eq₂)
    where open IsEquivalence

  ×-isDecEquivalence :  {_≈₁_ _≈₂_} 
    IsDecEquivalence _≈₁_  IsDecEquivalence _≈₂_ 
    IsDecEquivalence (Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_)
  ×-isDecEquivalence eq₁ eq₂ = record
    { isEquivalence = ×-isEquivalence
                        (isEquivalence eq₁) (isEquivalence eq₂)
    ; _≟_           = ×-decidable (_≟_ eq₁) (_≟_ eq₂)
    where open IsDecEquivalence

  ×-isPreorder :  {_≈₁_ _∼₁_ _≈₂_ _∼₂_} 
    IsPreorder _≈₁_ _∼₁_  IsPreorder _≈₂_ _∼₂_ 
    IsPreorder (Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_) (Pointwise _∼₁_ _∼₂_)
  ×-isPreorder {_∼₁_ = _∼₁_} {_∼₂_ = _∼₂_} pre₁ pre₂ = record
    { isEquivalence = ×-isEquivalence
                        (isEquivalence pre₁) (isEquivalence pre₂)
    ; reflexive     = ×-reflexive {_∼₁_ = _∼₁_} {_∼₂_ = _∼₂_}
                        (reflexive pre₁) (reflexive pre₂)
    ; trans         = ×-transitive {_∼₁_ = _∼₁_} {_∼₂_ = _∼₂_}
                        (trans pre₁) (trans pre₂)
    where open IsPreorder

  ×-isPartialOrder :  {_≈₁_ _≤₁_ _≈₂_ _≤₂_} 
    IsPartialOrder _≈₁_ _≤₁_  IsPartialOrder _≈₂_ _≤₂_ 
    IsPartialOrder (Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_) (Pointwise _≤₁_ _≤₂_)
  ×-isPartialOrder {_≤₁_ = _≤₁_} {_≤₂_ = _≤₂_} po₁ po₂ = record
    { isPreorder = ×-isPreorder (isPreorder po₁) (isPreorder po₂)
    ; antisym    = ×-antisymmetric {_≤₁_ = _≤₁_} {_≤₂_ = _≤₂_}
                     (antisym po₁) (antisym po₂)
    where open IsPartialOrder

  ×-isStrictPartialOrder :  {_≈₁_ _<₁_ _≈₂_ _<₂_} 
    IsStrictPartialOrder _≈₁_ _<₁_  IsStrictPartialOrder _≈₂_ _<₂_ 
    IsStrictPartialOrder (Pointwise _≈₁_ _≈₂_) (Pointwise _<₁_ _<₂_)
  ×-isStrictPartialOrder {_<₁_ = _<₁_} {_≈₂_ = _≈₂_} {_<₂_ = _<₂_}
                           spo₁ spo₂ =
      { isEquivalence = ×-isEquivalence
                          (isEquivalence spo₁) (isEquivalence spo₂)
      ; irrefl        = ×-irreflexive₁ {_<₁_ = _<₁_} {_≈₂_} {_<₂_}
                          (irrefl spo₁)
      ; trans         = ×-transitive {_∼₁_ = _<₁_} {_<₂_}
                          (trans spo₁) (trans spo₂)
      ; <-resp-≈      = ×-respects₂ (<-resp-≈ spo₁) (<-resp-≈ spo₂)
    where open IsStrictPartialOrder

-- "Bundles" can also be combined.

module _ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄} where

  ×-preorder : Preorder ℓ₁ ℓ₂ _  Preorder ℓ₃ ℓ₄ _  Preorder _ _ _
  ×-preorder p₁ p₂ = record
    { isPreorder = ×-isPreorder (isPreorder p₁) (isPreorder p₂)
    } where open Preorder

  ×-setoid : Setoid ℓ₁ ℓ₂  Setoid ℓ₃ ℓ₄  Setoid _ _
  ×-setoid s₁ s₂ = record
    { isEquivalence =
        ×-isEquivalence (isEquivalence s₁) (isEquivalence s₂)
    } where open Setoid

  ×-decSetoid : DecSetoid ℓ₁ ℓ₂  DecSetoid ℓ₃ ℓ₄  DecSetoid _ _
  ×-decSetoid s₁ s₂ = record
    { isDecEquivalence =
        ×-isDecEquivalence (isDecEquivalence s₁) (isDecEquivalence s₂)
    } where open DecSetoid

  ×-poset : Poset ℓ₁ ℓ₂ _  Poset ℓ₃ ℓ₄ _  Poset _ _ _
  ×-poset s₁ s₂ = record
    { isPartialOrder = ×-isPartialOrder (isPartialOrder s₁)
                       (isPartialOrder s₂)
    } where open Poset

  ×-strictPartialOrder :
    StrictPartialOrder ℓ₁ ℓ₂ _  StrictPartialOrder ℓ₃ ℓ₄ _ 
    StrictPartialOrder _ _ _
  ×-strictPartialOrder s₁ s₂ = record
    { isStrictPartialOrder = ×-isStrictPartialOrder
                               (isStrictPartialOrder s₁)
                               (isStrictPartialOrder s₂)
    } where open StrictPartialOrder

  -- A piece of infix notation for combining setoids
  infix 4 _×ₛ_
  _×ₛ_ : Setoid ℓ₁ ℓ₂  Setoid ℓ₃ ℓ₄  Setoid _ _
  _×ₛ_ = ×-setoid

-- The propositional equality setoid over products can be
-- decomposed using ×-Rel

module _ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where

  ≡×≡⇒≡ : Pointwise _≡_ _≡_  _≡_ {A = A × B}
  ≡×≡⇒≡ (P.refl , P.refl) = P.refl

  ≡⇒≡×≡ : _≡_ {A = A × B}  Pointwise _≡_ _≡_
  ≡⇒≡×≡ P.refl = (P.refl , P.refl)

  Pointwise-≡↔≡ : Inverse (P.setoid A ×ₛ P.setoid B) (P.setoid (A × B))
  Pointwise-≡↔≡ = record
    { to         = record { _⟨$⟩_ = id; cong = ≡×≡⇒≡ }
    ; from       = record { _⟨$⟩_ = id; cong = ≡⇒≡×≡ }
    ; inverse-of = record
      { left-inverse-of  = λ _  (P.refl , P.refl)
      ; right-inverse-of = λ _  P.refl