------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- Rational numbers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-} module Data.Rational where ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Publicly re-export contents of core module and queries open import Data.Rational.Base public open import Data.Rational.Properties public using (_≟_; _≤?_; _<?_) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Deprecated -- Version 1.0 open import Data.Rational.Properties public using (drop-*≤*; ≃⇒≡; ≡⇒≃) -- Version 1.5 import Data.Integer.Show as ℤ open import Data.String using (String; _++_) show : ℚ → String show p = ℤ.show (↥ p) ++ "/" ++ ℤ.show (↧ p) {-# WARNING_ON_USAGE show "Warning: show was deprecated in v1.5. Please use Data.Rational.Show's show instead." #-}