-- The Agda standard library
-- Conversions for surjections

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Function.Properties.Surjection where

open import Function.Base
open import Function.Bundles
open import Level using (Level)
open import Data.Product

    a b : Level
    A B : Set a

-- Conversion functions

↠⇒↪ : A  B  B  A
↠⇒↪ s = mk↪ {to = proj₁  surjective} {from = to} (proj₂  surjective)
  where open Surjection s

↠⇒⇔ : A  B  A  B
↠⇒⇔ s = mk⇔ to (proj₁  surjective)
  where open Surjection s