There is a simple problem of string compression that can be found in Hacker Rank or in LeetCode that consists of compressing each element of string by the number of times that it appears. For example, “aa” is compressed to “a2” and “bbccc” is compressed to “b2c3”. In this post, I will create a data structure in cubical Agda that has compressed and uncompressed formats.
Importing Cubical Libraries:
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-} open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Properties open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude open import Cubical.Data.List open import Cubical.Data.Nat module _ where module compListMod {ℓ} (A : Set ℓ) (discA : Discrete A) where
Compressed lists can be an empty list or a valued repeated one or more times joined with another compressed list. Two compressed lists are equal when they are joined with the same value. For example: “a1a2” ≡ “a3” ≡ “a1a2”. In the next lines, the definition of compressed lists with these properties:
infixr 5 _qt1+_∷_ data CompressedList : Set ℓ where [] : CompressedList _qt1+_∷_ : A → ℕ → CompressedList → CompressedList sameQuantity : (m n : ℕ) (x : A) (xs : CompressedList) → x qt1+ m ∷ x qt1+ n ∷ xs ≡ x qt1+ 1 + m + n ∷ xs isSetComp : isSet CompressedList
Transforming compressed lists
From compressed lists, I will generate their lists. For example, “a2” will be transformed to “aa”.
_qtL1+_∷_ : A → ℕ → List A → List A ListSet : isSet (List A) compToList : CompressedList → List A compToList [] = [] compToList (x qt1+ n ∷ xs) = x qtL1+ n ∷ compToList xs compToList (sameQuantity zero n x xs i) = x ∷ (x qtL1+ n ∷ compToList xs) compToList (sameQuantity (suc m) n x xs i) = x ∷ compToList (sameQuantity m n x xs i) compToList (isSetComp xs ys p q i j) = ListSet _ _ (λ k → compToList (p k)) (λ k → compToList (q k)) i j x qtL1+ zero ∷ xs = x ∷ xs x qtL1+ suc n ∷ xs = x ∷ (x qtL1+ n ∷ xs) ListSet = Discrete→isSet (discreteList discA)
The Discrete→isSet
is an important theorem. It needs to be used because if there are multiple ways of a value of
a list is equal to another value of the list, the proof can become very messy or maybe impossible to do.
The simplest way to transform a list into a compressed list is to associate the quantity of 1 of each element of the list in the following lines:
listToComp : List A → CompressedList listToComp [] = [] listToComp (x ∷ xs) = x qt1+ 0 ∷ listToComp xs
Some examples of the use of compressed lists:
open compListMod ℕ discreteℕ _ : compToList (100 qt1+ 0 ∷ []) ≡ 100 ∷ [] _ = refl _ : compToList (200 qt1+ 1 ∷ 100 qt1+ 2 ∷ []) ≡ 200 ∷ 200 ∷ 100 ∷ 100 ∷ 100 ∷ [] _ = refl _ : listToComp (100 ∷ []) ≡ 100 qt1+ 0 ∷ [] _ = refl _ : listToComp (200 ∷ 200 ∷ 100 ∷ []) ≡ 200 qt1+ 1 ∷ 100 qt1+ 0 ∷ [] _ = sameQuantity 0 0 200 (100 qt1+ 0 ∷ [])