The objective of this project is to do a minimalistic example of small-step semantics using the concepts of the book Programming Language Foundations in Agda.
Importing from Agda standard library.
open import Data.Nat hiding (_+_) open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality open import Data.Product renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
Defining the language
The programming language is a simple expression that can be a natural number or a sum of two expressions.
infixr 6 _+_ data Expr : Set where nat : ℕ → Expr _+_ : Expr → Expr → Expr
Values represent their normal form. It is the final answer when the expression is fully evaluated.
data Value : Expr → Set where nat : ∀ x ------------- → Value (nat x)
Now, it will be defined the small-step semantic of this programming language:
infixr 2 _—→_ data _—→_ : Expr → Expr → Set where ξ₁ : ∀ {m m' n} → m —→ m' → m + n —→ m' + n ξ₂ : ∀ {m n n'} → Value m → n —→ n' → m + n —→ m + n' ϕ0 : ∀ {n} → nat 0 + nat n —→ nat n ϕ+ : ∀ {m n} → nat (suc m) + nat n —→ nat m + nat (suc n) _ : nat 0 + nat 0 —→ nat 0 _ = ϕ0
The first two steps are reduction of some part of the addition.
is related to the reduction when the left part is zero.
is the reduction when the left part is the successor of a natural number.
The definitions of ϕ0
and ϕ+
look like the induction definition of addition.
While ξ₁
and ξ₂
are extra steps.
With determinism, it is only possible to have one step of reduction. If there are two, both reduce to the same expression.
deterministic : ∀ {L M N} → L —→ M → L —→ N ------ → M ≡ N deterministic ϕ0 ϕ0 = refl deterministic ϕ+ ϕ+ = refl deterministic (ξ₁ LM) (ξ₁ LN) with deterministic LM LN ... | refl = refl deterministic (ξ₁ ()) (ξ₂ (nat x) LN) deterministic (ξ₂ (nat x) LM) (ξ₁ ()) deterministic (ξ₂ x LM) (ξ₂ x₁ LN) with deterministic LM LN ... | refl = refl
Progress means that the expression is a value or there is a next step to reduce.
data Progress (M : Expr) : Set where step : ∀ {N} → M —→ N ---------- → Progress M done : Value M ---------- → Progress M
I will show that every expression has this property:
progress : ∀ M → Progress M progress (nat x) = done (nat x) progress (M + N) with ⟨ progress M , progress N ⟩ ... | ⟨ step x , snd ⟩ = step (ξ₁ x) ... | ⟨ done x , step x₁ ⟩ = step (ξ₂ x x₁) ... | ⟨ done (nat zero) , done (nat y) ⟩ = step ϕ0 ... | ⟨ done (nat (suc x)) , done (nat y) ⟩ = step ϕ+
Multi step
Now, it will be defined the multi-step of the language.
It can be a zero-step, so an expression M
can go to M
(M —↠ M
or it can be multiple steps (that can be one, two, or any natural number).
infix 2 _—↠_ infix 1 begin_ infixr 2 _—→⟨_⟩_ infix 3 _∎ data _—↠_ : Expr → Expr → Set where _∎ : ∀ M -------- → M —↠ M _—→⟨_⟩_ : ∀ L {M N} → L —→ M → M —↠ N --------- → L —↠ N begin_ : ∀ {M N} → M —↠ N ------ → M —↠ N begin M—↠N = M—↠N
For the definition evaluation, it will necessary to be defined when an expression was finished in the evaluation and the steps of the evaluation.
data Finished (N : Expr) : Set where done : Value N ---------- → Finished N out-of-gas : ---------- Finished N
An expression is finished when it is a value or when there is no more gas available to calculate it. In Agda, every computation must terminate. So it is impossible to have an infinite loop. So when an expression takes so much time to finish, it runs out of gas and there is no result.
data Steps : Expr → Set where steps : ∀ {L N} → L —↠ N → Finished N ---------- → Steps L
The evaluation finishes when there is proof of multi-step for the value and it is already finished.
eval : ℕ → (L : Expr) ----------- → Steps L eval zero L = steps (L ∎) out-of-gas eval (suc n) L with progress L ... | done x = steps (L ∎) (done x) ... | step {M} L—→M with eval n M ... | steps M—→N fin = steps (L —→⟨ L—→M ⟩ M—→N) fin
The evaluation takes gas and the expression to evaluate. In the end, it returns the value with proof that the expression evaluates this value.
Here, some examples of the evaluation:
_ : eval 100 (nat 2 + nat 2) ≡ steps (nat 2 + nat 2 —→⟨ ϕ+ ⟩ nat 1 + nat 3 —→⟨ ϕ+ ⟩ nat 0 + nat 4 —→⟨ ϕ0 ⟩ nat 4 ∎) (done (nat 4)) _ = refl _ : eval 100 (nat 1 + nat 1 + nat 2) ≡ steps (nat 1 + nat 1 + nat 2 —→⟨ ξ₂ (nat 1) ϕ+ ⟩ nat 1 + nat zero + nat 3 —→⟨ ξ₂ (nat 1) ϕ0 ⟩ nat 1 + nat 3 —→⟨ ϕ+ ⟩ nat zero + nat 4 —→⟨ ϕ0 ⟩ nat 4 ∎) (done (nat 4)) _ = refl _ : eval 100 ((nat 1 + nat 1) + nat 2) ≡ steps ((nat 1 + nat 1) + nat 2 —→⟨ ξ₁ ϕ+ ⟩ (nat 0 + nat 2) + nat 2 —→⟨ ξ₁ ϕ0 ⟩ nat 2 + nat 2 —→⟨ ϕ+ ⟩ nat 1 + nat 3 —→⟨ ϕ+ ⟩ nat 0 + nat 4 —→⟨ ϕ0 ⟩ nat 4 ∎) (done (nat 4)) _ = refl
Proofs for later use
I will prove some axioms to use it later in the part of parallel reduction:
—↠-trans : ∀ {L M N} → L —↠ M → M —↠ N → L —↠ N —↠-trans (M ∎) mn = mn —↠-trans (L —→⟨ r ⟩ lm) mn = L —→⟨ r ⟩ (—↠-trans lm mn) infixr 2 _—↠⟨_⟩_ _—↠⟨_⟩_ : ∀ L {M N} → L —↠ M → M —↠ N --------- → L —↠ N L —↠⟨ L—↠M ⟩ M—↠N = —↠-trans L—↠M M—↠N appL-cong : ∀ {L L' M} → L —↠ L' --------------- → L + M —↠ L' + M appL-cong {L}{L'}{M} (L ∎) = L + M ∎ appL-cong {L}{L'}{M} (L —→⟨ r ⟩ rs) = L + M —→⟨ ξ₁ r ⟩ appL-cong rs appR-cong : ∀ {L M M'} → Value L → M —↠ M' --------------- → L + M —↠ L + M' appR-cong {L}{M}{M'} VL (M ∎) = L + M ∎ appR-cong {L}{M}{M'} VL (M —→⟨ r ⟩ rs) = L + M —→⟨ ξ₂ VL r ⟩ appR-cong VL rs abs-cong : ∀ {M M' N N'} → Value M' → M —↠ M' → N —↠ N' ---------- → M + N —↠ M' + N' abs-cong VM (M ∎) (N ∎) = M + N ∎ abs-cong VM (M ∎) (N —→⟨ st ⟩ N') = M + N —→⟨ ξ₂ VM st ⟩ abs-cong VM (M ∎) N' abs-cong VM (M —→⟨ st ⟩ M') (N ∎) = M + N —→⟨ ξ₁ st ⟩ abs-cong VM M' (N ∎) abs-cong VM (M —→⟨ stm ⟩ M') (N —→⟨ stn ⟩ N') = M + N —→⟨ ξ₁ stm ⟩ abs-cong VM M' (N —→⟨ stn ⟩ N')
Parallel Reduction
The parallel reduction is good for doing reductions in parallel, so it can run faster in a multi-core computer.
Single step
Here, the definition of a single step of the parallel reduction.
infix 2 _⇛_ data _⇛_ : Expr → Expr → Set where pnat : ∀ {x} ----------------- → nat x ⇛ nat x papp : ∀ {L L′ M M′} → L ⇛ L′ → M ⇛ M′ --------------- → L + M ⇛ L′ + M′ pzero : ∀ {N} → nat 0 + N ⇛ N padd : ∀ {m n} → nat (suc m) + nat n ⇛ nat m + nat (suc n)
The biggest difference of this reduction is papp
, that
does two reductions at the same time.
It can run faster on a multi-core computer.
Multi step
The sequences of parallel reduction will be defined in this way:
infix 2 _⇛*_ infixr 2 _⇛⟨_⟩_ infix 3 _∎₂ data _⇛*_ : Expr → Expr → Set where _∎₂ : ∀ M -------- → M ⇛* M _⇛⟨_⟩_ : ∀ L {M N} → L ⇛ M → M ⇛* N --------- → L ⇛* N
Theorems for later use
Some theorems to use latter:
par-refl : ∀ {M} → M ⇛ M par-refl {nat _} = pnat par-refl {_ + _} = papp par-refl par-refl beta-par : ∀ {M N} → M —→ N ------ → M ⇛ N beta-par ϕ0 = pzero beta-par ϕ+ = padd beta-par (ξ₁ st) = papp (beta-par st) par-refl beta-par (ξ₂ _ st) = papp par-refl (beta-par st) par-nat : ∀ {x M} → nat x ⇛ M → M ≡ nat x par-nat pnat = refl
I will define progress in the same way that I defined previously. It will be used to prove that an expression is already a value or there is a step to reduce.
data Progress⇛ (M : Expr) : Set where step : ∀ {N} → M ⇛ N ---------- → Progress⇛ M done : Value M ---------- → Progress⇛ M progress⇛ : ∀ M → Progress⇛ M progress⇛ (nat x) = done (nat x) progress⇛ (M + N) with progress⇛ M ... | step st = step (papp st par-refl) ... | done (nat zero) = step pzero ... | done (nat (suc _)) with progress⇛ N ... | step st = step (papp pnat st) ... | done (nat _) = step padd