module Algebra.BigOps where

open import Level using (Level)
open import Function
open import Algebra
open import Data.Product
import Data.Sum as Sum
open import Data.Bool using (true; false)
open import Data.Nat as  using (; zero; suc; z≤n; s≤s)
import Data.Nat.Properties as 
open import Data.Fin as F using (Fin; _≟_; zero; suc; punchIn)
open import Data.Fin.Properties
open import Data.Vec.Functional
open import Data.Vec.Functional.Properties
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as  using (_≡_; _≢_; cong)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Vector.Properties
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Nullary

open import Algebra.Ring.Properties
open import Vector

private variable
  a  : Level
  m n : 

module SumRawMonoid (rawMonoid : RawMonoid a ) where

  open RawMonoid rawMonoid renaming (Carrier to A)

  private variable
    V W : Vector A n

   : Vector A n  A
   = foldr _∙_ ε

module SumRawRing (rawRing : RawRing a ) where

  open RawRing rawRing renaming (Carrier to A)
  open SumRawMonoid +-rawMonoid public

  δ : (i j : Fin n)  A
  δ i j with i  j
  ... | true  because _ = 1#
  ... | false because _ = 0#

  δii≡1# :  i  δ {n} i i  1#
  δii≡1# i rewrite dec-yes (i F.≟ i) ≡.refl .proj₂ = ≡.refl

  δss≡δ : (i j : Fin n)  δ (suc i) (suc j)  δ i j
  δss≡δ i j with i  j
  ... | true  because _ = ≡.refl
  ... | false because _ = ≡.refl

module SumMonoid (monoid : Monoid a ) where

  open Monoid monoid renaming (Carrier to A)
  open import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid setoid
  open import Data.Vec.Functional.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid setoid
  open import Vector.Setoid.Properties setoid hiding (++-cong)
  open SumRawMonoid rawMonoid public

  ∑0r :  n   {n} (const ε)  ε
  ∑0r zero = refl
  ∑0r (suc n) = begin
     {suc n} (const ε) ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ (∑0r n) 
    ε  ε               ≈⟨ identityˡ ε 

  ∑Ext : {U V : Vector A n}  U  V   U   V
  ∑Ext {zero} U≈V = refl
  ∑Ext {suc n} {U} {V} U≈V = begin
    head U   (tail U) ≈⟨ ∙-cong (U≈V (∑Ext (U≈V  suc)) 
    head V   (tail V) 

module SumCommMonoid (cMonoid : CommutativeMonoid a ) where

  open CommutativeMonoid cMonoid renaming (Carrier to A)
  open import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid setoid
  open import Data.Vec.Functional.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid setoid
  open import Vector.Setoid.Properties setoid hiding (++-cong)
  open SumMonoid monoid public
  open import Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid cMonoid using (solve; _⊜_; _⊕_)

  ∑Split : (V W : Vector A n)    i  V i  W i)   V   W
  ∑Split {zero} V W = sym (identityʳ _)
  ∑Split {suc n} V W = begin
    head V  head W    i  tail V i  tail W i) ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ (∑Split (tail V) (tail W)) 
    head V  head W  ( (tail V)   (tail W)) ≈⟨ helper (head V) (head W) ( (tail V)) ( (tail W)) 
     V   W  where

    helper :  a b c d  a  b  (c  d)  ((a  c)  (b  d))
    helper = solve 4  a b c d  ((a  b)  (c  d))  ((a  c)  (b  d))) refl

  ∑Split++ : (V : Vector A m) (W : Vector A n)   (V ++ W)   V   W
  ∑Split++ {zero} V W = sym (identityˡ _)
  ∑Split++ {suc m} V W = begin
     (V ++ W) ≈⟨ ∑Ext {U = V ++ W} {V = (V  tail V) ++ W}
       i  reflexive (++-cong V (head V  tail V)
       i  ≡.sym (head++tail≡id V i) )  _  ≡.refl) i)) 
     ((V  tail V) ++ W) ≈⟨ ∑Ext (reflexive  ++-split (V (tail V) W) 
    V   (tail V ++ W) ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ (∑Split++ (tail V) W) 
    (V  ( (tail V)   W)) ≈˘⟨ assoc _ _ _ 
    ( V   W) 

  ∑Remove :  (V : Vector A $ suc n) i   V  V i   (removeAt V i)
  ∑Remove V zero = refl
  ∑Remove {ℕ.suc _} V (suc i) = begin
    (V zero   tV)                       ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ $ ∑Remove tV i 
    (V zero  (tV i   (removeAt tV i))) ≈⟨ helper _ _ _ 
    (tV i  (V zero   (removeAt tV i))) 
    tV = tail V
    helper :  a b c  a  (b  c)  b  (a  c)
    helper = solve 3  a b c  (a  (b  c))  (b  (a  c))) refl

  ∑Remove₂ :  (V : Vector A n) i   V  V i   (V [ i ]≔ ε)
  ∑Remove₂ V zero = ∙-congˡ (sym (identityˡ _))
  ∑Remove₂ {ℕ.suc _} V (suc i) = begin
    (V zero   tV )                    ≈⟨ (∙-congˡ $ ∑Remove₂ tV i) 
    (V zero  (tV i   (tV [ i ]≔ ε))) ≈⟨ helper _ _ _ 
    (tV i  (V zero   (tV [ i ]≔ ε))) 
    tV = tail V
    helper :  a b c  a  (b  c)  b  (a  c)
    helper = solve 3  a b c  (a  (b  c))  (b  (a  c))) refl

  ∑Two :  (xs : Vector A n) p q (p≢q : p  q)  xs p  xs q   (xs [ p ]≔ ε [ q ]≔ ε)   xs
  ∑Two xs p q p≢q = sym (begin
     xs ≈⟨ ∑Remove₂ xs p 
    xs p   (xs [ p ]≔ ε) ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ (∑Remove₂ _ q) 
    xs p  ((xs [ p ]≔ ε) q   (xs [ p ]≔ ε [ q ]≔ ε) ) ≈˘⟨ assoc _ _ _ 
    _  (xs [ p ]≔ ε) q  _ ≈⟨ ∙-congʳ (∙-congˡ (reflexive (updateAt-minimal _ _ _ (p≢q  ≡.sym)))) 
    _  xs q  _ )

  ∑TwoExt :  (xs ys : Vector A n) p q (p≢q : p  q) 
    xs p  xs q  ys p  ys q  (∀ i  i  p  i  q  xs i  ys i)
      xs   ys
  ∑TwoExt {n} xs ys p q p≢q xsPQ≈ysPQ same≢ = begin
     xs ≈˘⟨ ∑Two xs _ _ p≢q 
    (xs p  xs q  _) ≈⟨ ∙-cong xsPQ≈ysPQ (∑Ext {n} same) 
    (ys p  ys q  _) ≈⟨ ∑Two ys _ _ p≢q 

    same :  i  (xs [ p ]≔ ε [ q ]≔ ε) i  (ys [ p ]≔ ε [ q ]≔ ε) i
    same i with i  q | i  p
    ... | yes ≡.refl | _ = begin
      _  ≡⟨ updateAt-updates q _ 
      _ ≡˘⟨ updateAt-updates q _ 
    ... | no i≢q | yes ≡.refl = begin
      _  ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢q 
      _  ≡⟨ updateAt-updates p _ 
      _ ≡˘⟨ updateAt-updates p _ 
      _ ≡˘⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢q 
    ... | no i≢q | no i≢p = begin
      _  ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢q 
      _  ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢p 
      _  ≈⟨ same≢ _ i≢p i≢q 
      _ ≡˘⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢p 
      _ ≡˘⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢q 

    helperF :  (i : Fin $ ℕ.suc n) j  i F.≤ j  punchIn i j  suc j
    helperF zero j i<j = ≡.refl
    helperF (suc i) (suc j) i≤j = cong suc (helperF _ j (ℕ.≤-pred i≤j))

    pred : Fin (suc (suc n))  Fin (suc n)
    pred zero = zero
    pred (suc x) = x

    pij≢sj :  i j (i≤j : i F.≤ j) (k : Fin n)  punchIn i (punchIn j k)  suc j
    pij≢sj zero zero z≤n _ ()
    pij≢sj zero (suc zero) z≤n zero ()
    pij≢sj zero (suc zero) z≤n (suc k) ()
    pij≢sj zero j@(suc (suc _)) z≤n k eq = punchInᵢ≢i j _ (cong pred eq)
    pij≢sj (suc i) (suc j) (s≤s i≤j) (suc k) eq = pij≢sj _ _ i≤j _ (cong pred eq)

  ∑Swap< :  (V : Vector A n) i j (i<j : i F.< j)   (swapV V i j)   V
  ∑Swap< {suc zero} V zero zero ()
  ∑Swap< {suc (suc n)} V i (suc j) i<j = begin
     sv ≈⟨ ∑Remove sv i 
    (sv i   svr) ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ (∑Remove svr j) 
    (sv i  (svr j   svrr)) ≈⟨ helper (sv i) (svr j) _ 
    (svr j  (sv i   svrr)) ≈⟨ ∙-cong
        svr j ≡⟨ cong ((V [ i ]≔ V (suc j)) [ suc j ]≔ V i)
          (helperF _ j (ℕ.≤-pred i<j))  
        ((V [ i ]≔ V (suc j)) [ suc j ]≔ V i) (suc j) ≡⟨ updateAt-updates (suc j) (V [ i ]≔ V (suc j)) 
        V i )
      (∙-cong (begin
                 sv i ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal i (suc j) _ (<⇒≢ i<j) 
                 (V [ i ]≔ V (suc j)) i ≡⟨ updateAt-updates i V 
                 V (suc j) ≡˘⟨ cong V (helperF i j (ℕ.≤-pred i<j)) 
                 vr j )
              (∑Ext  k  let pij = punchIn i (punchIn j k) in begin
                svrr k ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal pij (suc j) _ (pij≢sj i j (ℕ.≤-pred i<j) k) 
                (V [ i ]≔ V (suc j)) pij ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal pij i _ (punchInᵢ≢i _ _) 
                vrr k ))) 
    (V i  (vr j   vrr)) ≈˘⟨ ∙-congˡ (∑Remove vr j) 
    (V i   vr) ≈˘⟨ ∑Remove V i 
    sv = swapV V i (suc j)
    svr = removeAt sv i
    svrr = removeAt svr j

    vr = removeAt V i
    vrr = removeAt vr j

    helper :  a b c  a  (b  c)  b  (a  c)
    helper = solve 3  a b c  (a  (b  c))  (b  (a  c))) refl

  ∑Swap :  (V : Vector A n) i j   (swapV V i j)   V
  ∑Swap {n = n} V i j with <-cmp i j
  ... | tri< i<j _ _ = ∑Swap< V i j i<j
  ... | tri> _ _ i>j = trans (∑Ext λ k  reflexive (swap-exchange V i j k)) (∑Swap< V j i i>j)
  ... | tri≈ _ ≡.refl _ = ∑Ext {n} $ reflexive  helper
    helper :  k  (V [ i ]≔ V i [ i ]≔ V i) k  V k
    helper k with k F.≟ i
    ... | yes ≡.refl = updateAt-updates i _
    ... | no k≢i = ≡.trans (updateAt-minimal k _ _ k≢i) (updateAt-minimal k _ _ k≢i)

module SumRing (ring : Ring a ) where

  open Ring ring renaming (Carrier to A)
  open SumRawRing rawRing using (; δ; δss≡δ; δii≡1#) public
  open import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid setoid
  open import Data.Vec.Functional.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid setoid
  open import Vector.Setoid.Properties setoid hiding (++-cong)
  open Units ring
  open import Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid +-commutativeMonoid using (solve; _⊜_; _⊕_)
  open SumCommMonoid +-commutativeMonoid public
    using (∑0r; ∑Ext; ∑Split; ∑Split++; ∑Swap<; ∑Swap)

  ∑Mulrdist : (x : A) (V : Vector A n)
              x *  V   λ i  x * V i
  ∑Mulrdist {zero} x V = 0RightAnnihilates x
  ∑Mulrdist {suc _} x V = begin
    x *  V                       ≈⟨ distribˡ x (V _ 
    x * V + x *  (tail V) ≈⟨ +-congˡ (∑Mulrdist x (tail V)) 
    x * V +   i  x * V (F.suc i)) 

  ∑Mulldist : (x : A) (V : Vector A n)
             ( V) * x   λ i  V i * x
  ∑Mulldist {zero} x V = 0LeftAnnihilates x
  ∑Mulldist {suc _} x V = begin
     V * x                       ≈⟨ distribʳ x (V _ 
    V * x +  (tail V) * x ≈⟨ +-congˡ (∑Mulldist x (tail V)) 
    ( λ i  V i * x) 

  ∑Mul0r : (V : Vector A n)    i  0# * V i)  0#
  ∑Mul0r V = begin
      i  0# * V i) ≈˘⟨ ∑Mulrdist 0# V 
    0# *  V            ≈⟨ 0LeftAnnihilates _ 

  ∑Mul1r : (V : Vector A n) (j : Fin n)    i  δ j i * V i)  V j
  ∑Mul1r {suc n} V zero = begin
    1# * V + ( λ i  δ (suc i) * tail V i) ≈⟨ +-congʳ (*-identityˡ _ ) 
    V + ( λ i  δ (suc i) * tail V i) ≈⟨ +-congˡ (∑Mul0r (tail V)) 
    V + 0# ≈⟨ +-identityʳ _ 
  ∑Mul1r {suc n} V (suc j) = begin
    0# * _ + _                             ≈⟨ +-congʳ (0LeftAnnihilates _) 
    0# + _                                 ≈⟨ +-identityˡ _ 
      i  δ (suc j) (suc i) * tail V i) ≈⟨ ∑Ext  i  *-congʳ (reflexive $ δss≡δ j i)) 
      i  δ j i * tail V i)             ≈⟨ ∑Mul1r (tail V) j 
    tail V j