open import Algebra.Core
open import Algebra.Bundles
open import Algebra.Module

module Algebra.Module.Props {rr ℓr mr ℓm}
  (cRing : CommutativeRing rr ℓr)
  (open CommutativeRing cRing using (ring))
  (leftModule : LeftModule ring mr ℓm)

open import Level
open import Function
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Fin as F using (Fin)
open import Data.Fin.Patterns
open import Data.Vec.Functional
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions

open import Algebra.Module.Definition leftModule
open import Algebra.BigOps

open CommutativeRing cRing renaming (Carrier to A)
open LeftModule leftModule renaming (Carrierᴹ to M)
open SumCommMonoid +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid
open SumRawRing rawRing using (δ; δss≡δ)

open import Algebra.Morphism.Definitions M A _≈_
open import Data.Vec.Functional.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid ≈ᴹ-setoid

import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid ≈ᴹ-setoid as ≈ᴹ-Reasoning
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid setoid as ≈-Reasoning

private variable
  m n : 
  xs ys zs : Vector M n
  α : A

open ≈ᴹ-Reasoning

∑Mulrdist‵ : (x : A) (V : Vector M n)
           x *ₗ  V ≈ᴹ  λ i  x *ₗ V i
∑Mulrdist‵ {zero} x V = *ₗ-zeroʳ _
∑Mulrdist‵ {suc _} x V = begin
  x *ₗ  V                       ≈⟨ *ₗ-distribˡ x (V _ 
  x *ₗ V +ᴹ x *ₗ  (tail V) ≈⟨ +ᴹ-congˡ (∑Mulrdist‵ x (tail V)) 
  x *ₗ V +ᴹ   i  x *ₗ V (F.suc i)) 

δ*ᵣ-refl :  V (i : Fin n)   (δ i *ᵣ V) ≈ᴹ V i
δ*ᵣ-refl {suc n} V = begin
  1# *ₗ V +ᴹ   i  δ (F.suc i) *ₗ tail V i) ≈⟨ +ᴹ-cong (*ₗ-identityˡ _) (begin
    _ ≈⟨ ∑Ext {n}  _  *ₗ-zeroˡ _) 
     {n} (const 0ᴹ) ≈⟨ ∑0r n 
  V +ᴹ 0ᴹ ≈⟨ +ᴹ-identityʳ _ 
δ*ᵣ-refl {suc n} V i@(F.suc i′) = begin
  0# *ₗ _ +ᴹ  {n}  j  δ i (F.suc j) *ₗ tail V j) ≈⟨ +ᴹ-cong (*ₗ-zeroˡ _) (begin
    _                                ≈⟨ ∑Ext  j  *ₗ-congʳ (reflexive (δss≡δ i′ j))) 
     {n}  j  δ i′ j *ₗ tail V j) ≈⟨ δ*ᵣ-refl (tail V) i′ 
  0ᴹ +ᴹ V i  ≈⟨ +ᴹ-identityˡ _ 
  V i 

xsReachesItself :  xs (i : Fin n)  xs reaches xs i
xsReachesItself xs i = record { ys = δ i ; xs*ys≈x = δ*ᵣ-refl xs i }

0∷⊆ⱽ : (xs : Vector M n)  (0ᴹ  xs) ⊆ⱽ xs
0∷⊆ⱽ xs {x} (ys by xs*ys≈x) = as by ∑as*xs≈x
  as = tail ys
  ∑as*xs≈x = begin
     (tail ys *ᵣ xs)           ≈˘⟨ +ᴹ-identityˡ _ 
    0ᴹ +ᴹ _                     ≈˘⟨ +ᴹ-congʳ (*ₗ-zeroʳ _) 
    _ *ₗ 0ᴹ +ᴹ  (tail ys *ᵣ xs) ≈⟨ xs*ys≈x 

⊆ⱽ0∷ : (xs : Vector M n)  xs ⊆ⱽ (0ᴹ  xs)
⊆ⱽ0∷ xs {x} (ys by xs*ys≈x) = as by ∑ws≈x
  as = 0#  ys
  ∑ws≈x = begin
    0# *ₗ 0ᴹ +ᴹ  (ys *ᵣ xs) ≈⟨ +ᴹ-congʳ (*ₗ-zeroˡ _) 
    0ᴹ +ᴹ  (ys *ᵣ xs)       ≈⟨ +ᴹ-identityˡ _ 
     (ys *ᵣ xs)             ≈⟨ xs*ys≈x 

0∷≈ⱽ : (xs : Vector M n)  (0ᴹ  xs) ≋ⱽ xs
0∷≈ⱽ xs = record { fwd = 0∷⊆ⱽ xs ; bwd = ⊆ⱽ0∷ xs }

⊆ⱽ-reflexive : xs  ys  xs ⊆ⱽ ys
⊆ⱽ-reflexive {xs = xs} {ys} xs≋ys {x} (ws by ws*xs≈x) = ws by ∑ws≈x
  ∑ws≈x = begin
     (ws *ᵣ ys) ≈˘⟨ ∑Ext  i  *ₗ-congˡ (xs≋ys i)) 
     (ws *ᵣ xs)  ≈⟨ ws*xs≈x 

≋ⱽ-refl : Reflexive (_≋ⱽ_ {n})
≋ⱽ-refl = record { fwd = id ; bwd = id }

≋ⱽ-reflexive : xs  ys  xs ≋ⱽ ys
≋ⱽ-reflexive xs≋ys = record { fwd = ⊆ⱽ-reflexive xs≋ys ; bwd = ⊆ⱽ-reflexive (≋-sym xs≋ys) }

≋ⱽ-sym : Symmetric (_≋ⱽ_ {n})
≋ⱽ-sym record { fwd = fwd ; bwd = bwd } = record { fwd = bwd ; bwd = fwd }

≋ⱽ-trans : xs ≋ⱽ ys  ys ≋ⱽ zs  xs ≋ⱽ zs
≋ⱽ-trans record { fwd = fwdA ; bwd = bwdA } record { fwd = fwdB ; bwd = bwdB } =
  record { fwd = fwdB  fwdA ; bwd = bwdA  bwdB }

≋⇒⊆ⱽ : xs  ys  xs ⊆ⱽ ys
≋⇒⊆ⱽ {n} {xs} {ys} xs≋ys (zs by xs*zs≈x) = zs by ≈ᴹ-trans (∑Ext (*ₗ-congˡ  ≋-sym xs≋ys)) xs*zs≈x

≋⇒≋ⱽ : xs  ys  xs ≋ⱽ ys
≋⇒≋ⱽ xs≋ys = record { fwd = ≋⇒⊆ⱽ xs≋ys ; bwd = ≋⇒⊆ⱽ (≋-sym xs≋ys) }