Using pattern-match in your favor

Posted on May 5, 2022 by Guilherme


When I was proving a theorem of multiplication of two national numbers in Cubical Agda, I had to pattern-match integers in 3 cases (positive, negative, and zero). However, I would like to pattern match them in just two cases: zero or not zero. For that, it is necessary to create a record with that information and I will show it below.


Importing from Agda standard library.

open import Function
open import Data.Unit hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Bool hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Nat
  using (zero; suc)
open import Data.Integer renaming (NonZero to NonZeroℤ)
open import Data.Integer.Properties
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

Creating patterns

It is good to create some patterns to avoid unnecessary repetitions.

pattern +z = +[1+ _ ]
pattern -z = -[1+ _ ]

Non zero definition

Because of the way that integers are defined in the library, it is necessary to break it into 3 cases to figure out if it is zero or not.

NonZero? :   Bool
NonZero? +0 = false
NonZero? +z = true
NonZero? -z = true

Record Integer

To be possible to pattern match integer in two cases, it is necessary to add a boolean that represents if the integer is zero or not. With that boolean, it is necessary a proof that this boolean is true and false when the integer is not zero or zero respectively.

infix 6 _⟦_⟧⟦_⟧

record Int : Set where
  constructor _⟦_⟧⟦_⟧
    int : 
    nonZero? : Bool
    nonZero?-≡ : NonZero? int  nonZero?

  NonZero : Set
  NonZero = T nonZero?

open Int

Integer patterns

These patterns (≡0 and ≢0) have just the information if the integer is zero or not.

pattern intnz x = _⟦_⟧⟦_⟧ _ x _
pattern ≡0 = intnz false
pattern ≢0 = intnz true

Integer multiplication

The multiplication of Int is the same as ℤ and the product of them is non zero if both integers are non zero.

infixl 7 _·_

_·_ : Int  Int  Int
(x  nx ⟧⟦ nx≡ ) · (y  ny ⟧⟦ ny≡ )
  = x * y  nx  ny ⟧⟦ α x y nx ny {nx≡} {ny≡}  where

The hardest part is to prove that the product of x and y is non-zero if and only if x and y are non-zero. When both are non-zero, it is necessary to patten match when they are positive and negative. When one of them is zero, the product is zero by the definition of multiplication. It is necessary to do the rewrite when zero is multiplied on the right side.

  α :  x y nx ny  {NonZero? x  nx}  {NonZero? y  ny}
     NonZero? (x * y)  nx  ny
  α +z +z true true = refl
  α +z -z true true = refl
  α -z +z true true = refl
  α -z -z true true = refl
  α +0 _  false _   = refl
  α +[1+ n ] +0 true false rewrite *-comm +[1+ n ] +0 = refl
  α -[1+ n ] +0 true false rewrite *-comm -[1+ n ] +0 = refl

Final theorem

This theorem is necessary to solve a problem of rational numbers. Let two equals rational numbers p = w ÷ x and q = z ÷ y. Both x and y are non-zero because they are denominators of rational numbers. Because they are equal, w * y = z * x.

I was creating a function to figure out if a rational number is zero or not using quotient types in Cubical Agda. They are zero if the numerator is zero. And in Cubical Agda, I have to prove that all rational numbers that are equal to this one have the same property. In the end, I have to solve this theorem below.

Because of the definitions that I made above, there are just two cases of this product w * y = z * x. When both w and z are zero or different than zero.

theoProd :  x y w z  {NonZero x}  {NonZero y}
   { w · y  z · x }   nonZero? w  nonZero? z
theoProd ≢0 ≢0 ≡0 ≡0 = refl
theoProd ≢0 ≢0 ≢0 ≢0 = refl

In the end, making a record with a boolean make it possible to just pattern match in the cases that a number is zero or not.