open import Algebra
open import Algebra.Apartness
open import Algebra.Module
open import Function
open import Algebra.DecidableField

module Algebra.Module.PropsField
  {c ℓ₁ ℓ₂ mr ℓm}
  (dField : DecidableField c ℓ₁ ℓ₂)
  (leftModule : LeftModule (CommutativeRing.ring
    $ HeytingCommutativeRing.commutativeRing
    $ HeytingField.heytingCommutativeRing
    $ DecidableField.heytingField dField) mr ℓm)

open import Data.Bool hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; _≟_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Vec.Functional
open import Data.Vec.Functional.Properties
open import Relation.Unary.Properties

open import Algebra.BigOps
open import Vector.Base
open import Vector.Properties
open import Vector.Structures

open DecidableField dField renaming (heytingField to hField; _≟_ to _#?_) using ()
open HeytingField hField renaming (Carrier to A) hiding (sym)
open HeytingCommutativeRing heytingCommutativeRing using (commutativeRing)
open CommutativeRing commutativeRing using (rawRing; *-commutativeMonoid; ring; sym)

open import Algebra.Module.DefsField hField leftModule

open LeftModule leftModule renaming (Carrierᴹ to M)
open SumCommMonoid +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid
open VRing rawRing using (_*ⱽ_)
import Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid *-commutativeMonoid as *-Solver hiding (_≟_)
import Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid +ᴹ-commutativeMonoid as +-Solver hiding (_≟_)
open import Algebra.HeytingCommutativeRing.Properties heytingCommutativeRing
open import Algebra.Module.Base ring
open import Algebra.Module.Props commutativeRing leftModule public
open import Algebra.Module.VecSpace leftModule public
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as  using (_≡_; _≢_)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Decidable)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable

import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as RSetoid
module ≈-Reasoning = RSetoid setoid

private variable
  n : 
  xs ys : Vector M n

*#0⊆ⱽ :  (xs : Vector M n) {ys : Vector A n} (ys#0 :  i  ys i # 0#)  xs ⊆ⱽ ys *ᵣ xs
*#0⊆ⱽ {n} xs {ys} ys#0 {x} (zs by xs*zs≈x) = as by ∑as*zs≈x
  ass : _  _
  ass i = #0⇒invertible (ys#0 i) .proj₁
  as = ass *ⱽ zs

  module _ (i : Fin n) where
    open *-Solver
    x⁻¹ = #0⇒invertible (ys#0 i) .proj₁
    x⁻¹≈ys = #0⇒invertible (ys#0 i) .proj₂ .proj₁

    as*ys≈zs : as i * ys i  zs i
    as*ys≈zs = begin
      ass i * zs i * ys i ≈⟨ solve 3  a b c  (a  b)  c  (a  c)  b) refl (ass i) (zs i) (ys i) 
      x⁻¹   * ys i * zs i ≈⟨ *-congʳ x⁻¹≈ys 
      1# * zs i           ≈⟨ *-identityˡ _ 
      zs i 
      where open ≈-Reasoning

    as≈xs : as i *ₗ (ys i *ₗ xs i) ≈ᴹ zs i *ₗ xs i
    as≈xs = begin
        as i *ₗ ys i *ₗ xs i ≈˘⟨ *ₗ-assoc _ _ _ 
        (as i * ys i) *ₗ xs i ≈⟨ *ₗ-congʳ as*ys≈zs 
        zs i *ₗ xs i  where open ≈ᴹ-Reasoning

  ∑as*zs≈x = begin
     (as *ᵣ (ys *ᵣ xs)) ≈⟨ ∑Ext {n} as≈xs 
     (zs *ᵣ xs)         ≈⟨ xs*zs≈x 
    x  where open ≈ᴹ-Reasoning

*ₗ#0⊆ⱽ : (xs : Vector M n) (ys : Vector A n)  ys *ᵣ xs ⊆ⱽ xs
*ₗ#0⊆ⱽ {n} xs ys {x} (ws by xs*ws≈x) = as by as*xs≈x
  open ≈ᴹ-Reasoning
  as = ws *ⱽ ys
  as*xs≈x = begin
     ((ws *ⱽ ys) *ᵣ xs) ≈⟨ ∑Ext {n}  _  *ₗ-assoc _ _ _) 
     (ws *ᵣ (ys *ᵣ xs)) ≈⟨ xs*ws≈x 

*#0≈ⱽ :  (xs : Vector M n) {ys : Vector A n} (ys#0 :  i  ys i # 0#)  xs ≋ⱽ (ys *ᵣ xs)
*#0≈ⱽ xs ys#0 = record { fwd = *#0⊆ⱽ xs ys#0 ; bwd = *ₗ#0⊆ⱽ xs _ }

linInd→¬linDep : IsLinearIndependent xs  ¬ IsLinearDependent xs
linInd→¬linDep linIndep (_ by xs*ys≈x , i , ysI#0) = tight _ _ .proj₂ (linIndep xs*ys≈x i) ysI#0

  _[_]←₂_*[_] : Vector A n  Fin n  A  Fin n  Vector A n
  (M [ q ]←₂ r *[ p ]) i with does (q  i)
  ... | true = M i + r * M p
  ... | false = M i

  swapV-assoc :  wws (zs : Vector M n) {p q} (p≢q : p  q) i
     (swapV wws p q *ᵣ swapV zs p q) i ≈ᴹ swapV (wws *ᵣ zs) p q i
  swapV-assoc wws zs {p} {q} p≢q i = help
    open ≈ᴹ-Reasoning

    help : _
    help with i  p | i  q
    ... | no i≢p | no i≢q = begin
      _  ≈⟨ *ₗ-cong (reflexive (swap-diff wws i i≢p i≢q)) $ ≈ᴹ-reflexive $ swap-diff _ i i≢p i≢q 
      _ ≡˘⟨ swap-diff (wws *ᵣ zs) _ i≢p i≢q 
      swapV (wws *ᵣ zs) p q i 
    ... | no i≢p | yes ≡.refl = begin
      _ ≈⟨ *ₗ-cong (reflexive $ updateAt-updates i _) (≈ᴹ-reflexive $ updateAt-updates q _) 
      wws p *ₗ zs p ≡˘⟨ updateAt-updates q _ 
      swapV (wws *ᵣ zs) p q q 
    ... | yes ≡.refl | no i≢q = begin
      _ *ₗ _ ≈⟨ *ₗ-cong (reflexive (≡.trans (updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢q) (updateAt-updates p _)))
        (≈ᴹ-reflexive (≡.trans (updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢q) (updateAt-updates p _))) 
      wws q *ₗ zs q ≡˘⟨ updateAt-updates p _ 
      _             ≡˘⟨ updateAt-minimal p q _ p≢q 
      swapV (wws *ᵣ zs) p q p 
    ... | yes ≡.refl | yes ≡.refl = begin
      _              ≈⟨ *ₗ-cong (reflexive (updateAt-updates p _)) (≈ᴹ-reflexive (updateAt-updates p _)) 
      wws p *ₗ zs p ≡˘⟨ updateAt-updates p _ 
      swapV (wws *ᵣ zs) p p p 

sameLinDep : (xs ys : Vector M n)  xs ≈ⱽ ys
   IsLinearDependent xs  IsLinearDependent ys
sameLinDep {n} xs ys (idR xs≋ys) (ws by xs*ws≈x , i , ws#0) =
  ws by ≈ᴹ-trans (∑Ext (*ₗ-congˡ  ≈ᴹ-sym  xs≋ys)) xs*ws≈x , i , ws#0
sameLinDep {n} xs ys (rec {ys = zs} (swapOp p q p≢q) xs≈ⱽzs same) dep@(ws by xs*ws≈x , i , ws#0)
  with wws by xs*wws≈x , j , wws#0sameLinDep _ _ xs≈ⱽzs dep
  = swapV wws p q by ≈ᴹ-trans ∑Same xs*wws≈x , ∃#0
  open ≈ᴹ-Reasoning

  sameness :  i  swapV wws p q i *ₗ ys i ≈ᴹ swapV (wws *ᵣ zs) p q i
  sameness i = begin
    swapV wws p q i *ₗ ys i          ≈˘⟨ *ₗ-congˡ (same i) 
    swapV wws p q i *ₗ swapV zs p q i ≈⟨ swapV-assoc wws _ p≢q _ 
    swapV (wws *ᵣ zs) p q i 

  ∃#0 : _
  ∃#0 with j  p | j  q
  ... | yes ≡.refl | yes ≡.refl = p , #-congʳ (reflexive (≡.sym (updateAt-updates j _))) wws#0
  ... | yes ≡.refl | no j≢q = q , #-congʳ (reflexive (≡.sym (updateAt-updates q _))) wws#0
  ... | no j≢p | yes ≡.refl = p , #-congʳ (reflexive (≡.sym (≡.trans (updateAt-minimal _ _ _ (j≢p  ≡.sym))
    (updateAt-updates p _)))) wws#0
  ... | no j≢p | no j≢q = _ , #-congʳ (reflexive (≡.sym (swap-diff _ _ j≢p j≢q))) wws#0

  ∑Same :  (swapV wws p q *ᵣ ys) ≈ᴹ  (wws *ᵣ zs)
  ∑Same = begin
     (swapV wws p q *ᵣ ys) ≈⟨ ∑Ext sameness 
     (swapV (wws *ᵣ zs) p q) ≈⟨ ∑Swap _ p q 
     (wws *ᵣ zs) 

sameLinDep xs ys (rec {ys = zs} (addCons p q p≢q r) xs≈ⱽzs same) dep@(ws by xs*ws≈x , i , ws#0)
  with wws by xs*wws≈x , j , wws#0sameLinDep _ _ xs≈ⱽzs dep
  = ks by ≈ᴹ-trans ∑Same xs*wws≈x , ∃#0

  open ≈ᴹ-Reasoning

  q≢p = p≢q  ≡.sym
  v0 = - r
  ks = wws [ q ]←₂ 0# *[ p ] [ p ]←₂ v0 *[ q ]
  zsk = zs [ q ]← r *[ p ]
  ksZs = ks *ᵣ zsk
  wsZs = wws *ᵣ zs

  genSum : (xs : Vector M _)  xs p +ᴹ xs q +ᴹ  (xs [ p ]≔ 0ᴹ [ q ]≔ 0ᴹ)  ≈ᴹ  xs
  genSum xs = ∑Two xs _ _ p≢q

  sameInd :  i  (ksZs [ p ]≔ 0ᴹ [ q ]≔ 0ᴹ) i ≈ᴹ (wsZs [ p ]≔ 0ᴹ [ q ]≔ 0ᴹ) i
  sameInd i with i  q | i  p
  ... | yes ≡.refl | _ = begin
    _  ≡⟨ updateAt-updates q _ 
    _ ≡˘⟨ updateAt-updates q _ 
  ... | no i≢q | yes ≡.refl = begin
    _  ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢q 
    _  ≡⟨ updateAt-updates p _ 
    _ ≡˘⟨ updateAt-updates p _ 
    _ ≡˘⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢q 
  ... | no i≢q | no i≢p = begin
    _  ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢q 
    _  ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢p 
    _  ≡⟨ help 
    _ ≡˘⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢p 
    _ ≡˘⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢q 
    _  where

    help : ksZs i  wsZs i
    help rewrite dec-no (p  i) (i≢p  ≡.sym) | dec-no (q  i) (i≢q  ≡.sym) = ≡.refl

  sameTwo : ksZs p +ᴹ ksZs q ≈ᴹ wsZs p +ᴹ wsZs q
  sameTwo rewrite dec-yes (p  p) ≡.refl .proj₂ | dec-yes (q  q) ≡.refl .proj₂
    | dec-no (q  p) (p≢q  ≡.sym) | dec-no (p  q) p≢q | dec-yes (q  q) ≡.refl .proj₂ = begin
      (wws p + v0 * (wws q + 0# * wws p)) *ₗ zs p
        +ᴹ (wws q + 0# * wws p) *ₗ (zs q +ᴹ r *ₗ zs p) ≈⟨ +ᴹ-cong (*ₗ-congʳ (+-congˡ (*-congˡ
          (trans (+-congˡ (zeroˡ _)) (+-identityʳ _)))))
          (*ₗ-congʳ (trans (+-congˡ (zeroˡ _)) (+-identityʳ _))) 

      (wws p + v0 * wws q) *ₗ zs p +ᴹ wws q *ₗ (zs q +ᴹ r *ₗ zs p) ≈⟨ +ᴹ-cong
        (*ₗ-distribʳ _ _ _) (*ₗ-distribˡ _ _ _) 

      wws p *ₗ zs p +ᴹ (v0 * wws q) *ₗ zs p +ᴹ (wws q *ₗ zs q +ᴹ wws q *ₗ r *ₗ zs p) ≈⟨ +ᴹ-assoc _ _ _ 
      wws p *ₗ zs p +ᴹ ((v0 * wws q) *ₗ zs p +ᴹ (wws q *ₗ zs q +ᴹ wws q *ₗ r *ₗ zs p)) ≈⟨
        +ᴹ-congˡ help 
      wws p *ₗ zs p +ᴹ wws q *ₗ zs q 

      open +-Solver

      help2 = begin
        (v0 * wws q) *ₗ zs p +ᴹ wws q *ₗ r *ₗ zs p ≈˘⟨ +ᴹ-congˡ (*ₗ-assoc _ _ _) 
        (v0 * wws q) *ₗ zs p +ᴹ (wws q * r) *ₗ zs p ≈˘⟨ *ₗ-distribʳ _ _ _ 
        (v0 * wws q + wws q * r) *ₗ zs p ≈⟨ *ₗ-congʳ (trans (+-congˡ (*-comm _ _)) (trans
          (trans (sym (distribʳ _ _ _)) (*-congʳ (-‿inverseˡ _))) (zeroˡ (wws q)))) 
        0# *ₗ zs p ≈⟨ *ₗ-zeroˡ _ 

      help = begin
        (v0 * wws q) *ₗ zs p +ᴹ (wws q *ₗ zs q +ᴹ wws q *ₗ r *ₗ zs p) ≈⟨
          solve 3  a b c  (a  (b  c)) , ((a  c)  b)) ≈ᴹ-refl _ _ _ 
        ((v0 * wws q) *ₗ zs p +ᴹ wws q *ₗ r *ₗ zs p) +ᴹ wws q *ₗ zs q ≈⟨ +ᴹ-congʳ help2 
        0ᴹ +ᴹ wws q *ₗ zs q ≈⟨ +ᴹ-identityˡ _ 
        wws q *ₗ zs q 

  ∑Same = begin
     (ks *ᵣ ys) ≈˘⟨ ∑Ext (*ₗ-congˡ  same) 
     ksZs ≈˘⟨ genSum ksZs 
    ksZs p +ᴹ ksZs q +ᴹ  (ksZs [ p ]≔ 0ᴹ [ q ]≔ 0ᴹ) ≈⟨ +ᴹ-cong sameTwo (∑Ext sameInd) 
    wsZs p +ᴹ wsZs q +ᴹ  (wsZs [ p ]≔ 0ᴹ [ q ]≔ 0ᴹ) ≈⟨ genSum wsZs 

  ∃#0 : _
  ∃#0 with j  p | j  q | wws q #? 0#
  ... | yes ≡.refl | _ | yes wwsQ#0 = q , #-congʳ help wwsQ#0
    help : wws q  ks q
    help rewrite dec-no (p  q) p≢q | dec-yes (q  q) ≡.refl .proj₂ = sym (trans (+-congˡ (zeroˡ _)) (+-identityʳ _))
  ... | yes ≡.refl | _ | no wwsQ≈0 = p , #-congʳ (sym ksJ≈wwsP) wws#0
    ksJ≈ : ks j  wws p - r * wws q
    ksJ≈ rewrite dec-yes (j  j) ≡.refl .proj₂
      | dec-yes (q  q) ≡.refl .proj₂
      | dec-no (q  j) q≢p = +-congˡ (trans (distribˡ _ _ _)
      (trans (+-congˡ (trans (*-congˡ (zeroˡ _)) (zeroʳ _)))
      (trans (+-identityʳ _) (sym (-‿distribˡ-* _ _)))))

    ksJ≈wwsP : ks j  wws p
    ksJ≈wwsP = trans ksJ≈ (trans (+-congˡ (trans (-‿cong
      (trans (*-congˡ (tight _ _ .proj₁ wwsQ≈0 )) (zeroʳ _))) -0#≈0#)) (+-identityʳ _))

  ... | no j≢p | yes ≡.refl | _ = j , #-congʳ help wws#0
    help : wws j  ks j
    help rewrite dec-no (p  j) (j≢p  ≡.sym)
      | dec-yes (j  j) ≡.refl .proj₂
      = sym (trans (+-congˡ (zeroˡ _)) (+-identityʳ _))
  ... | no j≢p | no j≢q | _ = j , #-congʳ help wws#0
    help : wws j  ks j
    help rewrite dec-no (p  j) (j≢p  ≡.sym) | dec-no (q  j) (j≢q  ≡.sym) = refl

sameLinInd : (xs ys : Vector M n)  xs ≈ⱽ ys
   IsLinearIndependent xs  IsLinearIndependent ys
sameLinInd xs ys (idR xs≈ys) lxs xs*zs≈x =
  lxs (≈ᴹ-trans (∑Ext $ *ₗ-congˡ  xs≈ys) xs*zs≈x)
sameLinInd {n} xs ys (rec {ys = ws} (addCons p q p≢q r) xs≈ⱽys same) lxs {zs} xs*zs≈x i
  = help i (ks≈0 i)
  open ≈ᴹ-Reasoning

  q≢p = p≢q  ≡.sym
  v0 = r
  wss = ws [ q ]← r *[ p ]
  ks = _ [ p ]←₂ v0 *[ q ]

  zsChange :  j  j  p  j  q  wss j ≈ᴹ ys j  (ks *ᵣ ws) j ≈ᴹ (zs *ᵣ ys) j
  zsChange j j≢p j≢q rewrite dec-no (p  j) (j≢p  ≡.sym) | dec-no (q  j) (j≢q  ≡.sym) = *ₗ-congˡ

  ksQ≈zs : ks q  zs q
  ksQ≈zs rewrite dec-no (p  q) p≢q = refl

  ksP≈zsV : ks p  zs p + v0 * zs q
  ksP≈zsV rewrite dec-yes (p  p) ≡.refl .proj₂ = refl

  wsP≈wss : ws p ≈ᴹ wss p
  wsP≈wss rewrite dec-no (q  p) q≢p = ≈ᴹ-refl

  wsQ≈wss : ws q +ᴹ r *ₗ ws p ≈ᴹ wss q
  wsQ≈wss rewrite dec-yes (q  q) ≡.refl .proj₂ = ≈ᴹ-refl

  sameR2 = begin
    (v0 * zs q) *ₗ ws p ≈⟨ *ₗ-congʳ (*-comm _ _) 
    (zs q * r)  *ₗ ws p ≈⟨ *ₗ-assoc _ _ _ 
    zs q *ₗ r   *ₗ ws p 

  sameRight = begin
    (v0 * zs q) *ₗ ws p +ᴹ zs q *ₗ ws q ≈⟨ +ᴹ-comm _ _ 
    zs q *ₗ ws q +ᴹ (v0 * zs q) *ₗ ws p ≈⟨ +ᴹ-congˡ sameR2 
    zs q *ₗ ws q +ᴹ zs q *ₗ r *ₗ ws p 

  samePq = begin
    (ks *ᵣ ws) p +ᴹ (ks *ᵣ ws) q ≈⟨ +ᴹ-cong (*ₗ-congʳ ksP≈zsV) (*ₗ-congʳ ksQ≈zs) 
    (zs p + v0 * zs q) *ₗ ws p +ᴹ zs q *ₗ ws q ≈⟨ +ᴹ-congʳ (*ₗ-distribʳ _ _ _) 
    zs p *ₗ ws p +ᴹ (v0 * zs q) *ₗ ws p +ᴹ zs q *ₗ ws q ≈⟨ +ᴹ-assoc _ _ _ 
    zs p *ₗ ws p +ᴹ ((v0 * zs q) *ₗ ws p +ᴹ zs q *ₗ ws q) ≈⟨ +ᴹ-congˡ sameRight 
    zs p *ₗ ws p +ᴹ (zs q *ₗ ws q +ᴹ zs q *ₗ r *ₗ ws p) ≈˘⟨ +ᴹ-congˡ (*ₗ-distribˡ _ _ _) 
    zs p *ₗ ws p +ᴹ zs q *ₗ (ws q +ᴹ r *ₗ ws p) ≈⟨ +ᴹ-cong
      (*ₗ-congˡ (≈ᴹ-trans wsP≈wss (same p)))
      (*ₗ-congˡ (≈ᴹ-trans wsQ≈wss (same q))) 
    (zs *ᵣ ys) p +ᴹ (zs *ᵣ ys) q 

  ∑Same = ∑TwoExt _ _ _ _ p≢q samePq λ j j≢p j≢q  zsChange j j≢p j≢q (same j)

  ks≈0 :  j  ks j  0#
  ks≈0 = sameLinInd _ _ xs≈ⱽys lxs (≈ᴹ-trans ∑Same xs*zs≈x)

  zsQ≈0 : ks q  0#  zs q  0#
  zsQ≈0 rewrite dec-no (p  q) p≢q = id

  help :  i  ks i  0#  zs i  0#
  help i with p  i
  ... | no p≢i = id
  ... | yes ≡.refl = help2
    help2 : _  _
    help2 zsP = trans (trans (sym (+-identityʳ _))
      (+-congˡ (sym (trans (*-congˡ (zsQ≈0 (ks≈0 q))) (zeroʳ _))))) zsP

sameLinInd {n} xs ys (rec {ys = ws} (swapOp p q p≢q) xs≈ⱽys same) lxs {zs} xs*zs≈x i
  = help i
  open ≈ᴹ-Reasoning

  ks = swapV zs p q

  swapYs≈ :  k  swapV ys p q k ≈ᴹ ws k
  swapYs≈ k with k  p | k  q
  ... | yes ≡.refl | yes ≡.refl = begin
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-updates p _ 
    _ ≈˘⟨ same _ 
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-updates k _ 
  ... | yes ≡.refl | no k≢q = begin
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ k≢q 
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-updates k _ 
    _ ≈˘⟨ same q 
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-updates q _ 
  ... | no k≢p | yes ≡.refl = begin
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-updates k _ 
    _ ≈˘⟨ same _ 
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ (k≢p  ≡.sym) 
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-updates p _ 
  ... | no k≢p | no k≢q = begin
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ k≢q 
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ k≢p 
    _ ≈˘⟨ same _ 
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ k≢q 
    _ ≡⟨ updateAt-minimal _ _ _ k≢p 

  ∑Same :  (ks *ᵣ ws) ≈ᴹ  (zs *ᵣ ys)
  ∑Same = begin
     (ks *ᵣ ws) ≈˘⟨ ∑Ext (*ₗ-congˡ  swapYs≈) 
     (ks *ᵣ swapV ys p q) ≈⟨ ∑Ext (swapV-assoc _ _ p≢q) 
     (swapV (zs *ᵣ ys) p q) ≈⟨ ∑Swap _ p q 
     (zs *ᵣ ys) 

  ks≈0 :  j  ks j  0#
  ks≈0 = sameLinInd _ _ xs≈ⱽys lxs (≈ᴹ-trans ∑Same xs*zs≈x)

  help :  i  zs i  0#
  help i with i  p | i  q
  ... | yes ≡.refl | _ = trans (sym (reflexive (updateAt-updates q _))) (ks≈0 q)
  ... | no i≢p | yes ≡.refl = trans
    (sym (reflexive (≡.trans (updateAt-minimal _ _ _ p≢q) (updateAt-updates p _)))) (ks≈0 p)
  ... | no i≢p | no i≢q = trans
    (sym (reflexive (≡.trans (updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢q) (updateAt-minimal _ _ _ i≢p)))) (ks≈0 i)

sameLin : (xs ys : Vector M n)  xs ≈ⱽ ys   b
   LinearIndependent? xs b  LinearIndependent? ys b
sameLin xs ys xs≈ⱽys false (linDep ld) = linDep $ sameLinDep xs ys xs≈ⱽys ld
sameLin xs ys xs≈ⱽys true  (linInd li) = linInd $ sameLinInd xs ys xs≈ⱽys li