My motivation to create types for units of measure is to try to avoid bugs when dealing with dimensional. For example, using these types, it would be impossible to add numbers of different dimensional. Another advantage of using them is that when you deal with multiplication and division, the measure of both values is multiples and divided.
Importing libraries of Agda Stdlib:
module unit-of-measure where open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional open import Level open import Algebra.Core open import Data.Nat hiding (_+_; _*_; _≟_; NonZero) renaming (pred to predn) open import Data.Bool hiding (_≟_) open import Data.List renaming (map to mapl) open import Data.Vec hiding (foldr; filter) renaming (zipWith to zipWithV; tabulate to tabulateV; lookup to lookupv) open import Data.Product open import Data.Rational as ℚ renaming (_+_ to _+q_; _*_ to _*q_; _/_ to _/q_) hiding (_≟_; _÷_; 1/_; NonZero; -_) open import Data.Integer renaming (_+_ to _+z_; _*_ to _*z_; _-_ to _-z_) hiding (_≟_; NonZero) open import Data.Integer.Instances open import Data.Fin open import Data.Fin.Properties renaming (_≟_ to _≟f_) open import Relation.Binary open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality open import Relation.Nullary open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable open import Function open import internal-library private variable ℓ ℓ′ : Level n : ℕ
Minimalist Case
In the minimalist case, I will only define seconds and meters. In more complex examples, it is possible to define more dimensional.
module MinimalistCase where record Dimensional : Set where constructor m^_s^_ field meters : ℤ seconds : ℤ m^_ : ℤ → Dimensional m^ z = m^ z s^ (+ 0) s^_ : ℤ → Dimensional s^ z = m^ + 0 s^ z
Measure Type
In the measure type, the dimensional is in the type. It will be useful when defining the addition of values with the same dimensional.
record Measure (dimensional : Dimensional) : Set where constructor ⟦_⟧ field measure : ℚ NonZero : Set NonZero = ℚ.NonZero measure open Measure
These variables will be used later:
private variable d d₁ d₂ : Dimensional
In addition, both have to have the same Dimensional Type.
_+d_ : Op₂ (Measure d) ⟦ a ⟧ +d ⟦ b ⟧ = ⟦ a +q b ⟧
In multiplication and division of dimensional, both meters and seconds are added and subtracted respectively.
_*u_ : Op₂ Dimensional (m^ mA s^ sA) *u (m^ mB s^ sB) = m^ mA +z mB s^ (sA +z sB) _/u_ : Op₂ Dimensional (m^ mA s^ sA) /u (m^ mB s^ sB) = m^ (mA -z mB) s^ (sA -z sB)
For multiplication and division of measures:
_*d_ : Measure d₁ → Measure d₂ → Measure (d₁ *u d₂) ⟦ x ⟧ *d ⟦ y ⟧ = ⟦ x *q y ⟧ _/d_ : Measure d₁ → (y : Measure d₂) → ⦃ NonZero y ⦄ → Measure (d₁ /u d₂) ⟦ x ⟧ /d ⟦ y ⟧ = ⟦ x ÷ y ⟧
Defining equations
One of the simplest equations in Physics are distance = speed * time
and speed = distance / time
Both will be defined in the next lines:
ud = m^ (+ 1) ut = s^ (+ 1) uv = m^ + 1 s^ (- (+ 1)) distance : (speed : Measure uv) (time : Measure ut) → Measure ud distance speed time = speed *d time speed : (distance : Measure ud) (time : Measure ut) ⦃ _ : NonZero time ⦄ → Measure uv speed distance time = distance /d time
These are some examples of operations:
private module tests where ⦅_⦆ : ℕ → Measure d ⦅ n ⦆ = ⟦ + n /q 1 ⟧ dist : Measure ud dist = ⦅ 6 ⦆ speed' : Measure uv speed' = ⦅ 3 ⦆ time : Measure ut time = ⦅ 2 ⦆ _ : speed' ≡ speed dist time ⦃ _ ⦄ _ = refl _ : dist ≡ distance speed' time _ = refl
Dimensional in Data Type
In this case, dimensional is in the data type.
module DimensionalInData where data Dimensional : Set where m s : Dimensional
Each dimensional has its power, that is an integer number.
For example, the area dimensional is m^2
and the meter power is 2.
DimensionalPower = Dimensional → ℤ m^_ : ℤ → DimensionalPower (m^ z) m = z (m^ z) s = + 0 s^_ : ℤ → DimensionalPower (s^ z) m = + 0 (s^ z) s = z
Measure Type
The measure has its dimensional in its type like in the last code.
private variable d d₁ d₂ : DimensionalPower record Measure (_ : DimensionalPower) : Set where constructor ⟦_⟧ field measure : ℚ NonZero : Set NonZero = ℚ.NonZero measure open Measure
The multiplication of two measures is a function that returns the sum of two-dimension. And the division is the subtraction.
_*u_ : Op₂ DimensionalPower (f *u g) x = f x +z g x _/u_ : Op₂ DimensionalPower (f /u g) x = f x -z g x
For multiplication and division of measures:
_*d_ : Measure d₁ → Measure d₂ → Measure (d₁ *u d₂) ⟦ x ⟧ *d ⟦ y ⟧ = ⟦ x *q y ⟧ _/d_ : Measure d₁ → (y : Measure d₂) → ⦃ NonZero y ⦄ → Measure (d₁ /u d₂) ⟦ x ⟧ /d ⟦ y ⟧ = ⟦ x ÷ y ⟧
Defining equations
The dimensional of distance is m
, time is s
, and velocity is m/s
ud = m^ (+ 1) ut = s^ (+ 1) uv = ud /u ut
The distance is speed * time
distance : Measure uv → Measure ut → Measure (uv *u ut) distance speed time = speed *d time
It is necessary to postulate Extensionality because the type system is not smart enough to figure out that two functions are equal. This would be possible to verify because the domain of the function is finite (it is Bool, which has only two values).
postulate ext : Extensionality ℓ ℓ′ distance' : (speed : Measure uv) (time : Measure ut) → Measure ud distance' speed time = subst Measure (ext (λ{ m → refl ; s → refl})) (speed *d time)
Speed is defined as distance/time
speed : (distance : Measure ud) (time : Measure ut) ⦃ _ : NonZero time ⦄ → Measure uv speed distance time = distance /d time
These are some examples of operations:
private module tests where ⦅_⦆ : ℕ → Measure d ⦅ n ⦆ = ⟦ + n /q 1 ⟧ dist : Measure ud dist = ⦅ 6 ⦆ speed' : Measure uv speed' = ⦅ 3 ⦆ time : Measure ut time = ⦅ 2 ⦆ _ : speed' ≡ speed dist time ⦃ _ ⦄ _ = refl
Dimensional Unit
In this code, Dimensional and Unit are distinct. Dimensional is something that can be measured and Unit is the unit of measure. For example, time and distance are two dimensions, and meter is a unit of measure of distance.
module DimensionalUnit where data Dimensional : Set where distance time : Dimensional data Unit : Set where m km s ms : Unit _≟d_ : (x y : Dimensional) → Dec (x ≡ y) distance ≟d distance = yes refl distance ≟d time = no (λ ()) time ≟d distance = no (λ ()) time ≟d time = yes refl AllUnit : List Unit AllUnit = m ∷ km ∷ s ∷ ms ∷ [] AllDimensional : List Dimensional AllDimensional = distance ∷ time ∷ []
Conversion between Unit and Dimensional
Each unit has a dimensional associated with that. The dimensional of meter and kilometer is distance and the dimensional of seconds and milliseconds is time.
UnitDimensional : Unit → Dimensional UnitDimensional m = distance UnitDimensional km = distance UnitDimensional s = time UnitDimensional ms = time DimensionalUnit : Dimensional → Unit DimensionalUnit distance = m DimensionalUnit time = s StandardUnit? : Unit → Bool StandardUnit? m = true StandardUnit? km = false StandardUnit? s = true StandardUnit? ms = false
Unit Proportion
Each unit has a value proportional to the standard measure. The standard measure of distance is in meters and time in seconds. So their values are one. But kilometer is 1000 times meters so its value is 1000, and milliseconds is 1/1000 of a second, so its value is 1/1000.
UnitProportion : Unit → ℚ UnitProportion m = 1ℚ UnitProportion km = + 1000 /q 1 UnitProportion s = 1ℚ UnitProportion ms = + 1 /q 1000
Unit and Dimensional Power
Unit Power is the power of each unit.
For example: m^2 * km^(- 1) * s^5 * ms^0
UnitPower = Unit → ℤ
Dimensional power is the same thing as Unit power, but for dimensional. Dimensional Value will return the value measured in the standard measure.
DimensionalPower = Dimensional → ℤ private variable up up₁ up₂ : UnitPower UnitPower→DimensionalPower : UnitPower → DimensionalPower UnitPower→DimensionalPower up dim = sumℤ (mapl up (filter ((dim ≟d_) ∘ UnitDimensional) AllUnit)) DimensionalPower→UnitPower : DimensionalPower → UnitPower DimensionalPower→UnitPower dp unit = if StandardUnit? unit then sumℤ (mapl dp (filter (_≟d UnitDimensional unit) AllDimensional)) else + 0
Normalization and Value associated with Unit Power
For normalization, it transforms Unit Power into Dimensional Power and after to Unit Power. In this way, it eliminates units that are not standard such as kilometers.
normalizeUnit : UnitPower → UnitPower normalizeUnit = DimensionalPower→UnitPower ∘ UnitPower→DimensionalPower NonZeroUnit : ∀ x → ℚ.NonZero (UnitProportion x) NonZeroUnit m = _ NonZeroUnit km = _ NonZeroUnit s = _ NonZeroUnit ms = _
In this function, it gets the product of values that are not standard with their power.
For example, km^2
will return 1.000.000
(that is 1.000^2
UnitPower→DimensionalValue : UnitPower → ℚ UnitPower→DimensionalValue up = prodℚ (mapl (λ x → _**_ (UnitProportion x) (up x) ⦃ NonZeroUnit x ⦄) AllUnit)
The Unit Power m^1 * km^(-1) * s^0 * ms^(-2)
will be transformed into
m^2 * (1.000 * m)^(-1) * s^0 * (1/1000 * s)^(-2)
≡ 1.000 * m^1 * s^(-2)
private up-ex : UnitPower up-ex m = + 2 up-ex km = - (+ 1) up-ex s = + 0 up-ex ms = - (+ 2) _ : UnitPower→DimensionalValue up-ex ≡ + 1000 /q 1 _ = refl _ : UnitPower→DimensionalPower up-ex distance ≡ + 1 _ = refl _ : normalizeUnit up-ex m ≡ + 1 _ = refl _ : normalizeUnit up-ex km ≡ + 0 _ = refl _ : UnitPower→DimensionalPower up-ex time ≡ - (+ 2) _ = refl _ : normalizeUnit up-ex s ≡ - (+ 2) _ = refl
Unit Power operations
The multiplication and division of units are the same as the last code.
_*u_ : Op₂ UnitPower (f *u g) x = f x +z g x _/u_ : Op₂ UnitPower (f /u g) x = f x -z g x
The definition of measure also looks the same as the last code.
record Measure (_ : UnitPower) : Set where constructor ⟦_⟧ field measure : ℚ NonZero : Set NonZero = ℚ.NonZero measure open Measure
Measure operations
The difference now between this and the last code is that now the unit is normalized. So units that are not standard such as kilometers will be removed.
_*m_ : Measure up₁ → Measure up₂ → Measure (normalizeUnit (up₁ *u up₂)) _*m_ {up₁} {up₂} ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧ = ⟦ UnitPower→DimensionalValue up₁ *q UnitPower→DimensionalValue up₂ *q x *q y ⟧ _/m_ : Measure up₁ → (y : Measure up₂) ⦃ _ : NonZero y ⦄ → Measure (normalizeUnit (up₁ *u up₂)) _/m_ {up₁} {up₂} ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧ ⦃ nzy ⦄ = ⟦ _÷_ (UnitPower→DimensionalValue up₁ *q x) (UnitPower→DimensionalValue up₂ *q y) ⦃ trustMe ⦄ ⟧ where postulate trustMe : ℚ.NonZero (UnitPower→DimensionalValue up₂ *q y) _+m_ : Measure up → Measure up → Measure up ⟦ x ⟧ +m ⟦ y ⟧ = ⟦ x +q y ⟧
Simple functions of Unit Power
Some functions to define examples in a better way.
_⋆_ : ℚ → (u : UnitPower) → Measure u q ⋆ _ = ⟦ q ⟧ _⋆⋆_ = λ q u → ((+ q) /q 1) ⋆ u m^_ : ℤ → UnitPower (m^ z) m = z (m^ z) km = + 0 (m^ z) s = + 0 (m^ z) ms = + 0 km^_ : ℤ → UnitPower (km^ z) m = + 0 (km^ z) km = z (km^ z) s = + 0 (km^ z) ms = + 0 s^_ : ℤ → UnitPower (s^ z) m = + 0 (s^ z) km = + 0 (s^ z) s = z (s^ z) ms = + 0
These are some examples of addition. The problem with the product is that Unit Power is a function, so it is necessary to prove that two functions are equal and it requires extensionality.
private _ : (1 ⋆⋆ (m^ (+ 1))) +m (2 ⋆⋆ (m^ (+ 1))) ≡ (3 ⋆⋆ (m^ (+ 1))) _ = refl m/s = (m^ (+ 1)) *u (s^ (- (+ 1))) _ : (10 ⋆⋆ m/s) +m (20 ⋆⋆ m/s) ≡ (30 ⋆⋆ m/s) _ = refl
Dimensional Units in Vector
The problem with the last approach is that it is not possible to infer
automatically that two functions are equal.
But Fin n → A
is isomorphic to Vec A n
and the compiler infer easily
that two vectors are equal.
So it is better to use vectors instead of functions.
module DimensionalUnitVector where DimensionalSize = 2 UnitSize = 4 Dimensional = Vec ℤ DimensionalSize Unit = Vec ℤ UnitSize
We have two dimensional. Distance is the first and time is the second.
distance : Fin DimensionalSize distance = time : Fin DimensionalSize time = Fin.suc
These are the units of meters, kilometers, seconds, and milliseconds.
m^_ : ℤ → Unit m^ z = z ∷ + 0 ∷ + 0 ∷ + 0 ∷ [] km^_ : ℤ → Unit km^ z = + 0 ∷ z ∷ + 0 ∷ + 0 ∷ [] s^_ : ℤ → Unit s^ z = + 0 ∷ + 0 ∷ z ∷ + 0 ∷ [] ms^_ : ℤ → Unit ms^ z = + 0 ∷ + 0 ∷ + 0 ∷ z ∷ []
For each unit (m, km, s, ms), there is a dimensional associated with that.
It is in the vector UnitDimensional
UnitDimensional : Vec (Fin DimensionalSize) UnitSize UnitDimensional = distance ∷ distance ∷ time ∷ time ∷ []
Meters and seconds are unit standards of distance and time respectively.
UnitStandard : Vec Bool UnitSize UnitStandard = true ∷ false ∷ true ∷ false ∷ []
Unit Proportion
Unit proportion is the same in the case above. But the difference is that it has to come with proof that all elements are non-zero.
ℚNZ = Σ[ q ∈ ℚ ] ℚ.NonZero q UnitProportionNZ : Vec ℚNZ UnitSize UnitProportionNZ = (1ℚ , _) ∷ (+ 1000 /q 1 , _)∷ ((1ℚ , _)) ∷ (+ 1 /q 1000 , _) ∷ []
Unit operations
To multiplicate the unit, it is just necessary to add each element of both vectors, and to divide, it is necessary to subtract.
_*u_ : Op₂ Unit _*u_ = zipWithV _+z_ _/u_ : Op₂ Unit _/u_ = zipWithV _-z_
Unit and dimensional conversion
These functions are the same as in the case of the Dimensional Unit above.
Unit→Dimensional : Unit → Dimensional Unit→Dimensional un = tabulateV λ dpos → sumFin λ unp → if (dpos ≟f lookupv UnitDimensional unp) .does then lookupv un unp else + 0 Dimensional→Unit : Dimensional → Unit Dimensional→Unit dim = tabulateV λ unpos → if lookupv UnitStandard unpos then lookupv dim (lookupv UnitDimensional unpos) else + 0 normalizeUnit : Unit → Unit normalizeUnit = Dimensional→Unit ∘ Unit→Dimensional Unit→Measure : Unit → ℚ Unit→Measure unit = prodℚv $ zipWithV (λ (q , nz) un → _**_ q un ⦃ nz ⦄) UnitProportionNZ unit
These are some examples of the use of the functions above.
private m = m^ (+ 1) s = s^ (+ 1) ms = ms^ (+ 1) m/s = m /u s km = km^ (+ 1) _ : Unit→Dimensional m ≡ + 1 ∷ + 0 ∷ [] _ = refl _ : Unit→Dimensional m/s ≡ + 1 ∷ - (+ 1) ∷ [] _ = refl _ : Unit→Dimensional km ≡ + 1 ∷ + 0 ∷ [] _ = refl _ : normalizeUnit m ≡ + 1 ∷ + 0 ∷ + 0 ∷ + 0 ∷ [] _ = refl _ : normalizeUnit km ≡ + 1 ∷ + 0 ∷ + 0 ∷ + 0 ∷ [] _ = refl _ : normalizeUnit m/s ≡ + 1 ∷ + 0 ∷ - (+ 1) ∷ + 0 ∷ [] _ = refl
Measure definition
The Measure definition is the same as the case above.
record Measure (unit : Unit) : Set where constructor ⟦_⟧ field measure : ℚ NonZero : Set NonZero = ℚ.NonZero measure
The std
function got the measure in the standard unit (such as a meter or a second).
std : ℚ std = measure *q Unit→Measure unit
open Measure private variable u u₁ u₂ : Unit
Measure operations
The definition of multiplication, addition, and division is like the case above,
except that they use the std
_*m_ : Measure u₁ → Measure u₂ → Measure (normalizeUnit (u₁ *u u₂)) x *m y = ⟦ std x *q std y ⟧ _/m_ : Measure u₁ → (y : Measure u₂) → ⦃ _ : NonZero y ⦄ → Measure (normalizeUnit (u₁ /u u₂)) x /m y = ⟦ _÷_ (std x) (std y) ⦃ trustMe ⦄ ⟧ where postulate trustMe : ℚ.NonZero (std y) _+m_ : Measure u → Measure u → Measure u ⟦ x ⟧ +m ⟦ y ⟧ = ⟦ x +q y ⟧ _⋆_ : ℚ → (u : Unit) → Measure u q ⋆ _ = ⟦ q ⟧ _⋆⋆_ = λ q u → ((+ q) /q 1) ⋆ u distanceF : Measure m/s → Measure s → Measure m distanceF speed time = speed *m time speed : (distance : Measure m) (time : Measure s) ⦃ _ : NonZero time ⦄ → Measure m/s speed distance time = distance /m time
Some examples using the code.
private ⦅_⦆ : ℕ → Measure u ⦅ n ⦆ = ⟦ + n /q 1 ⟧ dist : Measure m dist = ⦅ 6 ⦆ speed' : Measure m/s speed' = ⦅ 3 ⦆ time' : Measure s time' = ⦅ 2 ⦆ time'' : Measure ms time'' = ⦅ 2 ⦆ _ : Unit→Measure m ≡ + 1 /q 1 _ = refl _ : std dist ≡ + 6 /q 1 _ = refl _ : speed' ≡ speed dist time' ⦃ _ ⦄ _ = refl _ : dist ≡ distanceF speed' time' _ = refl
The biggest difference is now in multiplication. Because the equality of vectors is easy to verify, it is now possible to make tests with multiplication and division. The results are always normalized, so there is no kilometer and milliseconds after multiplication or division.
_ : (2 ⋆⋆ m/s) *m (2 ⋆⋆ m/s) ≡ (4 ⋆⋆ (m/s *u m/s)) _ = refl _ : (2 ⋆⋆ km) *m (6 ⋆⋆ m/s) ≡ (12000 ⋆⋆ (m *u m/s)) _ = refl _ : (_/m_ (10 ⋆⋆ m) (2 ⋆⋆ ms) ⦃ _ ⦄) ≡ (5000 ⋆⋆ (m /u s)) _ = refl